Android – avoid layout change animations in custom views, which are updated in WindowManager
I have a custom relativelayout, and I even set setlayouttransition (null) I use ((WindowManager) context.getsystemservice (context. Window_service)) to add this custom view to windowmanager.updateviewlayout (this, layoutparams);
I change the view in the custom view and change the LayoutParams of WindowManager, and then call updateViewLayout.
I think the change of layoutparams in WindowManager is animated, but I'm not sure
How do i disable all animations?
This is a bit annoying. Android has animated all window changes, and they have set a flag to disable it as private. You can disable window animation using reflection
WindowManager.LayoutParams wp = new WindowManager.LayoutParams();
String className = "android.view.WindowManager$LayoutParams";
try {
Class layoutParamsClass = Class.forName(className);
Field privateFlags = layoutParamsClass.getField("privateFlags");
Field noAnim = layoutParamsClass.getField("PRIVATE_FLAG_NO_MOVE_ANIMATION");
int privateFlagsValue = privateFlags.getInt(wp);
int noAnimFlag = noAnim.getInt(wp);
privateFlagsValue |= noAnimFlag;
privateFlags.setInt(wp, privateFlagsValue);
// Dynamically do stuff with this class
// List constructors, fields, methods, etc.
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// Class not found!
} catch (Exception e) {
// UnkNown exception
Now WP will not animate layout changes. Please note that you may see flickers when you change the window size. I have no way to solve this problem