包含标签:Android 的文章
Android – how do I programmatically scroll recyclerview through specific pixels?
I expanded recyclerview, so I can expand it. It works the way I want, but now I want to scroll x pixels programmatical…… -
Android – onscroll gesture detector
I want to implement onscroll when a scrolling event occurs. But I don't understand how to use the parameters received …… -
C# – xamarin.forms property is not saved in Android version
I'm using xamarin. Forms and application. Current. Properties to persist user settings. I tested it on Android and it …… -
Android – Scrollview in percentrelativelayout 23.2.1 has incorrect zero height
I have a layout, which contains a Scrollview with LinearLayout and its children: a percentrelativelayout 23.2.1, anoth…… -
Android – how to use the ble connection of service connection across activities without stopping the service or disconnecting?
I have three components >Activity1 has buttons for connecting and disconnecting ble > activity2 needs to obtain …… -
Android – batch insert in realm
I decided to use realm for my project. I have read the document and can't understand how to import all mobile contacts…… -
Android – how to display insert ads every x seconds
I need to display insert ads in my app every x seconds. I've closed this code. It works normally, but the problem is t…… -
Android – update location using fusedlocationproviderclient, jobscheduler and jobservice
I'm trying to create a background location tracking service using the new fusedlocationproviderclient with jobschedule…… -
Android – keep clips?
Hi, I have a question about keeping fragments when recreating an activity. I heard that one way is to use setretainfra…… -
Android – multidexkeepfile does not work properly
We encountered a problem when building the multidex app. We kept receiving different java.lang.noclassdeffounderror er…… -
Android – error: when using font folder in res, the execution of task ‘: app: processdebugeresources’ failed
I have updated the SDK to the Android o developer preview and started a simple demonstration with a single textview Wh…… -
FCM for Android: pop up system notification when the application is in the background
Can a pop-up window for firebase system notification be displayed at the top of the screen (when the application is in…… -
Android – recyclerview universal adapter using databinding
I used databinding to create a general adapter for recyclerview. This is a small code fragment public class RecyclerAd…… -
Java – refactoring constant classes to enumerations in Android studio
I want to refactor the old code that uses a kind of constant to enumerate. The code has been used in several places in…… -
Google Maps Android API V2 – infowindow on polyline?
I draw polylines on the map and I need to display some data to the user How do I draw text or infowindow on each polyl…… -
Android – after I updated to retrofit 2.0, I released the onnext call to onnext in different threads
When we used retrofit 1.9, my colleagues created the following courses public class SomeApiCallAction { private Sub…… -
Android – you cannot check the styled center check box when using talkback or voiceover
I've developed a mobile web application and I'm testing its accessibility. When I use talkback (touch browsing enabled…… -
Java – how to move objects at speed correctly?
I recently started playing Android and decided to try to make a basic physical simulator, but I encountered a small pr…… -
Java – change extension activity class
Hello, I'm trying to create my first application on Android. Sorry for the stupid question, but I'm desperate I create…… -
Android – meaning of / symbols in UML
I tried to follow this link http://www.uml-diagrams.org/android-camera-uml-class-diagram-example.html In the cameradem…… -
Android – onpause is called immediately after onresume
Edit * this problem occurs when testing on Android devices. This problem does not occur when testing emultor I am star…… -
Java – job scheduling setrequiresdeviceidle (true) and setperiodic () do not work
I'm developing an application to execute the background task and check whether the device is idle in 10 seconds, but s…… -
java – Android:Generating Elliptic Curve KeypPair
I am trying to realize key generation based on Eliptic curves Diffie Hellman. Now I want to specify my Eliptic curve m…… -
Android – get my personal data contact
I need to get my personal contact information. In Android 4.0 and later, we have a data contact. I have tried to use c…… -
How do I return root activity from Java code? (robot)
I am creating the following activities Invalid Sign When I click the button in D, I need to return to the home screen …… -
Android – how do I start services defined in different packages?
I have two applications, one running in the namespace com.gtosoft.voyager and the other com.gtosoft.dash. From com.gto…… -
Java – similar and of camera. Parameters. Gethorizontalviewangle() and camera. Parameters. Getverticalviewangle()
All this is in the title, but in the now deprecated Android camera API, there are two methods: camera. Parameters. Get…… -
Java – how to protect SQLite dB in Android from theft
I'm making an application for a 28mb sq Lite file. It was originally in the Android resource folder. When it is instal…… -
Null pointer exception on Android – setadapter()
I'm trying to create a custom listview adapter (roughly based on this tutorial, but the example is simple, and I doubt…… -
Android – how do I know which API level I’m building with NDK build?
I'm trying to better understand how to choose API levels when using NDK build I know I can explicitly set the app in a…… -
Java – debug.keystore does not exist
I'm trying to generate MD5 fingerprints, but the problem is that every time I try to enter the whole code, I say debug…… -
Android – connect points on the map with lines
I have three GPS points in the android app. How do I set up a map to connect the first and second with the red and the……