Android – native script samplegroceries application failed to compile
I started learning native script and tried to follow the guide on the main site. But when I tried to compile the HelloWorld application with TNS, running Android – emulator, my shell was stuck 54% >: mergef0debugresources
Here is the full output
Any ideas?
The log says:
Exception java.lang.runtimeexception in thread "png cruncher_20": timeout while waiting for slave AAPT process. Please ensure that AAPT is in / home / Kirill/ Загрузки/ Android SDK Linux / build tools / 23.0.2/ executing AAPT can run successfully (some anti-virus may prevent it) or try to slave the environment variable_ AAPT_ Timeout is set to a value greater than 5 seconds
It shows that it is anti-virus and also proposes a solution: put the environment variable slave_ AAPT_ Timeout is set to a value greater than 5 seconds