Java – spring: how to initialize bean a after bean B is loaded?
I have a beana whose constructor requires beanb Is there a way to do this? Another way is to call BeanB. after all bea…… -
Java – JTable and custom tablemodel
I try to implement a JTable on the Java GUI, which can fill in the values in the file and allow the user to modify eac…… -
Java colored character GUI
I'm making a GUI dictionary program and need to highlight letters in each displayed word I want to know how to do this…… -
Java UDP sockets – data left behind on the server side
I'm using UDP sockets to implement a very basic server - client model in Java, and I encountered a very strange proble…… -
Java: string length when displaying square root using Unicode outline?
In Java, I created a string using Unicode and outline because I tried to display the square root of the number I need …… -
Java – use clickhandler with elements
I need to add an anchor with a specific clickhandler to the element How can I solve this problem? Element th = DOM.cre…… -
Java – disable the int spinner plus button
The following code is very useful when the user allocates the total number of statistical points I allocate However, I…… -
Java – jsup cannot get the complete content from the web page [no error / exception, but some content is missed]
I'm trying to get content from the following page using jsoup: But…… -
Java – how does atomicinteger work?
I don't think threading is such a difficult sigh if(++threadcounter==3){doSomething(); threadcounter =0;} I find this …… -
Java – how do I replace multiple items in a list?
I added a few characters to the list to replace it with a string Here they are: List<Character> list = new Array…… -
java – Bamboo sonar. Dynamicananalysis = reusereports = 0% rule compliance
Bamboo can be used for continuous construction, but we want to use sonar for quality index tracking Unit test pass / f…… -
Java – use Clone() copies the 2D array and still references the original data
OK, I know I've asked this question before: previous question I also studied several other topics and websites, which …… -
Java – httpclient API of sethttprequestretryhandler
HTTP commons client 4.12 tutorial section on exception handling clearly indicates that it should be possible to set th…… -
Java – different APK signatures in Android
I have a problem I program on two different computers. When I change from one computer to another, I try to run an app…… -
Java – although the type is the same, I get the ClassCastException event Why?
I'm not very new to Java, although I've never really used sets before, I have the following questions; But first, this…… -
Java – how do I deny site access from iframe?
I noticed that some websites refused to access their registration and login pages from iframes for security reasons In…… -
Java – how to encode a string to replace all special characters
I have a string containing special characters But I have to convert a string to a string without any special character…… -
Java – executorservice restart
Can I restart executorservice to start accepting new tasks after shutdown? Or must I always create a new executorservi…… -
Java – is it a good habit to use HashMap to index object lists?
I need to find objects through properties One option is to iterate over the array of objects and check each object who…… -
Java – p.waitfor() wait forever
I tried to run the command using a java program, but the p.waitfor() function never waited What's wrong with the code?…… -
Java – find words that contain only the given characters: regex
I have a set of words For example, abc,adb,acb,cab,abcc,abk,bacc If I want to find only So, what I need is abc,bacc I …… -
Fragments or no fragments? GAE / JAVA / JDO
I am currently porting some work from Mysql to Google App Engine / Java I am using JDO and the required low-level Java…… -
Model view controller – uses multiple interfaces with MVC dataannotations and metadatatype
I am using data annotations to apply validation to MVC ViewModel, which is a combination of several Entity Framework o…… -
Java – JPanel freezes my entire application when trying to draw
I'm writing the school project of Oregon Trail, and I'm implementing the hunting mini game We are using a model view d…… -
How to read large files in Java as blocks without being blocked?
Suppose you have a larger file and you have memory to process it You want to read n-byte files in turn and will not be…… -
Java – how to distinguish whether two IPS belong to the same computer?
We have client main programs and agents (both) on different computers The network configuration can be any type (we do…… -
Java – how to get “real” exceptions in JUnit instead of ejbexceptions when using ejbcontainer?
I am setting up unit tests in my Java EE application I am using JPA, JSF, NetBeans and GlassFish It is also my first r…… -
Java – JTable line color depends on the value in the model?
I have this code in the table model: public class DocumentProjectTableModel extends AbstractTableModel{ private L…… -
Java – Rewriting interface methods
For interfaces such as public interface something<T> { public something<T> somemethod(); } From my unde…… -
Java – spring aggregation jar
Is there a jar file aggregating spring 3.0 All the small jars in the 6 distribution, like those I know jetty exists? S…… -
Using HTML5 Video Tags in JavaFX applications
I have a simple JavaFX application that loads a web page in the WebView component StackPane root = new StackPane(); Sc…… -
Java – JScrollPane – auto scroll to bottom?
I've been trying to create a scrolling pane that automatically scrolls down when users add more lines of text to the w……