Java – add value for double [] ArrayList
I have the following array ArrayList<double[]> db_results = new ArrayList<double[]>(); I want to add such …… -
Java – why don’t I own this class when it should be in rt.jar?
So, I'm trying to implement LDAP connection in Java... This requires com sun. jndi. ldap. LdapCtxFactory. Jarfinder sh…… -
Java me – DateField of lwuit?
I wonder if lwuit has any DateField / datepicker components? Or, will there be any workaround for the implementation d…… -
Java – cellrenderer and editor reset when new columns are added
I have a table where my columns expand dynamically Initially, I set my table model to 5 columns because the basic info…… -
Java – sockettimeoutexception: read timeout. How to solve it?
I have a swing application that reads HTML pages using the following command String urlzip = null; try { Docum…… -
Java Swing multithreading and UI freezing
I can't think of this Using worker or invoker, the UI will still freeze After downloading each file, I want to update …… -
Java – jtextarea contains only numbers, but negative values are allowed
I have a jtextarea, just accept numbers This is my code: DocumentFilter onlyNumberFilter = new AxisJTextFilter(); …… -
How to create a class by name defined in the type field of a generic class
I want to use Java generics to implement such functions: public class Test<T> { public T data; public t…… -
Java – when should I use multiple instances of Solr?
I need to index three completely unrelated elements (such as product, blog post, location) Solution If you have three …… -
Java – gets the case sensitive name of the file, not case sensitive spelling
I am creating an application from which users can select files: FilePicker. Pickfile (file name) Where filename is a s…… -
Java – how to get the line number in the @ init action of antlr3 tree parser
In ANTLR version 3, how to obtain the line number in the @ init operation of the advanced tree parser rule? For exampl…… -
Java – M2e still provides the error that “plug-in execution is not overridden by lifecycle configuration”, even if explicit binding is used in custom plug-ins
I'm building a plug - in for code generation I have followed the steps here to learn how to create a plug-in: http://m…… -
How to develop producer consumer like applications in Java?
I have to develop an application similar to the producer - consumer problem in Java But I don't know much about Java. …… -
Java – create variables in advance to use (?) in the loop
Which of the two is more "effective": for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int x = i * 2; } Or – int x; for (int i = …… -
How to determine the number of fields set on an object in Java
I'm not sure if I can do this, but I say I have this object: public class SomeObject { private String field1; …… -
Java – Python module for handling software versions
I am looking for a python module / library that will run on the 'software version'... Which means, for example: >Co…… -
Java – use select where where Mysql to be case sensitive in MySQL
Hi, I'm using java front end and MySQL backend, Actually in TBL_ Test contains name value --------------- abc 22 …… -
The best sorting algorithm of Java – burrows Wheeler transformation (BWT)
Burrows Wheeler transformation got me into some problems This is a university project, but it is only a small part of …… -
JavaFX: no tableview content displayed
I have created a JavaFX application, I built the native package using ant, and I confused jar with proguard-4.8 In cas…… -
Java – unexpected result when dividing int by int and storing the result as double
See English answers > java program using int and double 7 This code just divides one int by another, stores the res…… -
Java – javax. net. ssl. Sslpeerunverifiedexception: peer is not authenticated
I am trying to connect to my own SSL server using my own SSL client, but I received the following error: javax. net. s…… -
Java – if we have active MQ, why do we need mule?
I worked as a software engineer on a project using ActiveMQ and mule for Java messaging service But I have a question:…… -
How to add rownames without dimensions in R
> Cases <- c(4,46,98,115,88,34) > Cases <- c(4,46,98,115,88,34) > Cases [1] 4 46 98 115 88 34 &…… -
Java – how do I test non thread safe classes?
I'm new to threads I'm reading Java concurrency in practice I found the following examples in the book @NotThreadSafe …… -
Java – run JUnit tests for a certain amount of time
I want to test for a period of time, such as 5 seconds, and then pass the test if no error is asserted Can this be ann…… -
Java – advanced tag generator for complex mathematical expressions
I want to mark a string of integers, floating point numbers, operators, functions, variables, and parentheses The foll…… -
Java – three parameter operators: local variables may not have been initialized
I have the following code import java.util.Random; public class ThreeArgumentOperator { private static final Ran…… -
Java – how to implement switch / if else if statements in spring webflow?
The following switch statement has been implemented If there are any errors, would you please verify and correct them?…… -
Java – Google Maps Android API V2 classnotfound runtime error
Editor: for those struggling, please check this link Pay close attention to it, but it works! The key part is to use k…… -
Java – ant build in eclipse failed
After Google search, I used ant to build the jar file of my project and found out how I did it. I mentioned this ink H…… -
Java – Test merge in merge sort
Is there any edge condition or general condition that I need to test this function The only thing I can think of is th…… -
How to confirm a message in message driven beans
In the JMS document, I read that message driven beans do not support client_ Acknowledge mode, only supports dups_ OK_……