Java – eclipse no longer starts
Eclipse has worked well as long as I remember, but now it refuses to start The log file in the workspace displays the …… -
Java – spring hibernate SQL Server connection failed
When I use the combination of spring, hibernate and SQL server, I receive the following error 19:17:09,137 ERROR [org.…… -
java. util. Calendar WEEK_ OF_ Year provides 1 for 365 and 366 days
An attempt was made to find the week for the given date Question: December 29, 2012 = week 52 December 30, 2012 = week…… -
What is the cause of this compilation error using java generics and reflection?
I have a generic method that should be similar to recursion, but call different instances of the method for each call …… -
Java – JPA, custom query and date
I am faced with a strange problem My search includes stack overflow and JPA and custom queries. I should specify param…… -
Java – collision detection using polygons
I wonder if anyone can give me an idea of how to implement the first class to define polygons and how to use this clas…… -
Java – JBoss application server: accessing deployed web applications from another machine
I have deployed my web application to JBoss standalone application server v7 1.1 upper But for some reason, I can't ac…… -
Java – Method Android OOP cannot be reused
In my application, I cannot reuse the methods I declare in the arabictutility class My intention is to use the Arabic …… -
Java – OK Which jar in class comes from the eclipse ide
I'm debugging something in the Maven project in Eclipse IDE. As usual, when I enter the line (F5), I reach a Java clas…… -
What values () do I see in the various CDI qualifiers in Java?
I see various references to values () in the @ qualifier definition An interface can allow enumeration, but I don't un…… -
Java – log4j filter out method
I want to turn off logging for a class method package com.mypackage; public class A { public static void aaa() { …… -
Java – jsessionid is set for httponly and secure
We have a Tomcat instance that serves HTTP through SSL nginx proxy We set the connector settings as follows: connectio…… -
Java – center jlabel in jpanels
I'm making a score retention plan, but I have a problem What I'm trying to do is have a JPanel containing two jpanels …… -
Java – extend log4j error email with more information
The web application I'm using provides more logs for users' data integrity problems I would like more information, suc…… -
Java – JTable cellrenderer changes the backgroundColor of a cell at run time
I am trying to create a table and color specific cells, yellow, red or white, depending on the contents of other colum…… -
WinForms ReportViewer pending application WPF
I've been having some problems with ReportViewer Basically, the code is as follows: public void Display(object dataSou…… -
Algorithm for calculating the path between two points in JPanel in Java Swing
First of all, I don't want an algorithm like a *, Dijkstra, because this algorithm can calculate the best and shortest…… -
The Java array does not remain initialized
I have an array in an array and want to initialize it with each loop // class variable Tree[][] trees; // in constr…… -
JavaMail iso-8859-1 formatting
I made an email client for my Android phone using JavaMail API If I try to get the sender's email address and the reci…… -
Java – the principle of Least Surprise [copy]
See English answers > java double precision 2 double d = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { d =…… -
Java – JNI string return value
I have a Java instance method that returns a string. I call this method through JNI in C I wrote the following code: c…… -
Java – designed for multithreaded rest API clients
I am developing a program that receives a search request for a topic, calls the New York Times API to get articles rel…… -
Java – how to wrap Google Guice’s injector method?
I'm writing an API that uses Guice for all di and want to hide all Guice "content" of API developers I have the follow…… -
Java EE – for web What is the meaning of false in the servlet definition in XML?
It seems that servlet's web XML has an element named <enabled>false</enabled> This can be placed in the se…… -
Java – use final for if conditional
I know how to set int with final, as follows: final int junk = whatever ? 1 : 2; But how do you do this in a more comp…… -
Java – how do I implement boxing and unpacking in my own classes?
There is no operator override like I C in Java, so I can't figure out how to box / unpack my own class For example, wh…… -
How to confirm a message in message driven beans
In the JMS document, I read that message driven beans do not support client_ Acknowledge mode, only supports dups_ OK_…… -
Java – definition of jax-ws and jax-rs [closed]
I read somewhere on the Internet that Jax - WS is a soap implementation and Jax - RS is a rest implementation It's tru…… -
Java – is there a better algorithm than the one I gave in the TripAdvisor interview?
Just received a telephone interview from TripAdvisor (no reduction) I got the following code and asked to implement fi…… -
Best practices for checking duplicate values in a database using java
I use @ column to set the unique constraint of the user name (unique = true) >By capturing the exception that the p…… -
Persistent blocking queue in Java?
TL; DR; I need to know if there is a lib with persistent blocking queues, which is a performance I have a classic prod…… -
What is the best cycle diagram representation for Java GC
Or I might ask if the New GC is important? If so, do you need to manage links between nodes through lookup tables or u……