Java – is there a better algorithm than the one I gave in the TripAdvisor interview?
Just received a telephone interview from TripAdvisor (no reduction) I got the following code and asked to implement fi…… -
Best practices for checking duplicate values in a database using java
I use @ column to set the unique constraint of the user name (unique = true) >By capturing the exception that the p…… -
Persistent blocking queue in Java?
TL; DR; I need to know if there is a lib with persistent blocking queues, which is a performance I have a classic prod…… -
What is the best cycle diagram representation for Java GC
Or I might ask if the New GC is important? If so, do you need to manage links between nodes through lookup tables or u…… -
How do I replace {a string inside Java
Anyone can help me replace 'in the string in Java{‘ For example String str = "abc{ad}"; str = str.replace("{","("); Bu…… -
Java – find the median in the B-tree
I need to implement a B - tree I need to create the following methods: >Insert (x) – 0 (log_t (x)). > Search – s…… -
Java – refresh JTable when setautocreaterowsorter is true
I wrote a default table as follows: public class CustTableRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer{ @Override …… -
Java – XML unmarshalling using JAXB with namespace and schema
I have an XML document as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:msgdata xmlns:xs="…… -
Java listen button and keyboard click
How to press the key and trigger JButton? For example: I use "a" JButton as the GUI on the panel I implemented a butto…… -
Java – convert audio stereo to audio bytes
I'm trying to do some audio processing. I'm really stuck in stereo to mono conversion I checked the stereo to mono con…… -
Java – what does it mean when someone says “the result is not thread safe”
When I read this document, I was writing an application specific Java HBase API wrapper:…… -
Java – JPA subclasses referenced by multiple different parent classes
I encountered the following ORM problems: I have two grades A and B, and they all have a group of grades C: class A { …… -
Java – add graphics to JFrame using borderlayout
I'm trying to do a simple job where I display a line of text to show whether the door object is open Below it, I visua…… -
Object size in Java
Suppose I have: Class A{ int a; } A obj = new A(); Then what is the size of obj? Is it the same size as int, just …… -
Java – add jpanels of other classes to CardLayout
I have three windows in three separate classes. I want to use CardLayout so that when you click the next button, the n…… -
Java – eclipse supports refactoring
Can eclipse do this refactoring? Suppose I have a class with a list: class DomainObject { private List list; p…… -
Play Framework 2.1(Java)eBean @Encrypted Annotation Errors
I'm trying to use the ebean @ encrypted annotation on the string field for the database model The document makes it lo…… -
Java – dagger: field injection in POJO
I've never tried guide or other Di libraries, but I've tried to use the dagger from square for Android application It …… -
Java – automatically opens the print dialog box when opening PDF using iText
I need to be able to automatically provide a print dialog when opening PDF I need JavaScript to do this. I wonder if i…… -
Java – pass a map or object from a JSP to a servlet
I have an application that passes the mapping from servlet to JSP In JSP, I display the map and provide the option to …… -
Java – how to use enum in the right way?
I like Java very much. I use enumeration for the first time, as shown below: public class Web { public String …… -
Writing XML documents from Java – simple
I know there are many problems in writing XML from Java on stack overflow, but it is too complex I think I have a very…… -
Database – when using JPA, avoid stale data from DB?
The problem I encountered is similar to that described in the invaliding JPA entitymanager session: Problem: getting s…… -
The Java class file was not created in the classes folder
I am compiling a java program with the following command: Ironically, the generated class file is created in the same …… -
Running Axis2 v.1. With JRE 5 / 6 6.2 what jars are needed to generate the client?
Which jars in the Axis2 distribution (version 1.6.2) are required to run the generated WebService client? There are se…… -
Java – “equality test with Boolean text” – test the difference between Boolean values and usage==
See English answers > Boolean checking in the 'if' condition 10 For this Code: boolean valid; if(valid == true) You…… -
Java – get question mark when inserting Hebrew characters into MySQL table
I am using NetBeans, using java to build web applications, and JSP uses Hebrew fields to process databases DDL is as f…… -
Java – add timeout function to swingworker
I will have to implement some functions for my application soon, timeout according to the length specified by the user…… -
Java JTree directory structure from file path
I've been trying to solve this problem, so maybe some of you can help me I have a list of files and their full paths (…… -
Java – camel CBR and POJO attribute check
I have a camel route for the order instance: from("direct:start") .choice() .when(order.getProduct() == Pr…… -
Java – no class loaded Jdbc driver for forname
Oracle JDBC tutorial says But when I delete class Forname, it will give the error no driver found I am using the Ojdbc…… -
Java – GWT error: requestfactory validationtool must be run
Every time I start my application, even if it is not executed listempty@R_444_2419 @ES (), an error "requestfactory va……