Fragments or no fragments? GAE / JAVA / JDO
I am currently porting some work from Mysql to Google App Engine / Java I am using JDO and the required low-level Java…… -
Model view controller – uses multiple interfaces with MVC dataannotations and metadatatype
I am using data annotations to apply validation to MVC ViewModel, which is a combination of several Entity Framework o…… -
Java – JPanel freezes my entire application when trying to draw
I'm writing the school project of Oregon Trail, and I'm implementing the hunting mini game We are using a model view d…… -
How to read large files in Java as blocks without being blocked?
Suppose you have a larger file and you have memory to process it You want to read n-byte files in turn and will not be…… -
Java – how to distinguish whether two IPS belong to the same computer?
We have client main programs and agents (both) on different computers The network configuration can be any type (we do…… -
Java – how to get “real” exceptions in JUnit instead of ejbexceptions when using ejbcontainer?
I am setting up unit tests in my Java EE application I am using JPA, JSF, NetBeans and GlassFish It is also my first r…… -
Java – JTable line color depends on the value in the model?
I have this code in the table model: public class DocumentProjectTableModel extends AbstractTableModel{ private L…… -
Java – Rewriting interface methods
For interfaces such as public interface something<T> { public something<T> somemethod(); } From my unde…… -
Java – spring aggregation jar
Is there a jar file aggregating spring 3.0 All the small jars in the 6 distribution, like those I know jetty exists? S…… -
Using HTML5 Video Tags in JavaFX applications
I have a simple JavaFX application that loads a web page in the WebView component StackPane root = new StackPane(); Sc…… -
Java – JScrollPane – auto scroll to bottom?
I've been trying to create a scrolling pane that automatically scrolls down when users add more lines of text to the w…… -
Java – does the applet not display at all?
OK, so I did a small applet tutorial. I read the init () method required to run the applet Such is the case. At least …… -
Entity Framework – Entity Framework 4.1: the navigation property ‘businessuser’ declared on the ‘Login’ type has configured the multiplicity of conflicts
I have two entities BusinessUser { Id(PK),Name,...} Login { BusinessUserID(PK,FK),Email,Password,etc...} The relation…… -
Exception of Java – propertymodel expression: org apache. wicket. Wicketruntimeexception: no get method defined for class:
I use propertymodel as part of dropdownchoice, as follows: List<String> choices = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "…… -
MVC in Java only needs to point in the right direction
I'm not a rookie in programming I have written in one language or another for 20 years Just not in Java My main langua…… -
Java – display buttons at specific coordinates
How do I display the (x, y) of a button or JButton window at a specific coordinate? Solution Although you can use setl…… -
java – MediaPlayer. Create() always returns null
I've used a media player before and I've never encountered this problem Whenever I try to use mediaplayer When create(…… -
Java error message “cannot resolve to variable”?
OK, so I have something new about Java. I'm trying to create a class that can ask the user to enter a 12 bit UPC code,…… -
The correct way to access read-only mapping synchronously in Java
I'm writing a simulation of the databaseconfiguration class, which reads the configuration from the database. I need s…… -
Elusive JAVA memory leak
I have a Java application based on lwjgl I render terrain with nine vertex buffers arranged in a 3 x 3 mesh When the c…… -
Java – can the modified quicksort be the best case of O (n)?
It is generally believed that the best case for quick sorting is O (nlogn), because each partition of the array is abo…… -
Java JPA implementation – how to read / set properties?
I'm reading the book beginning Java ee6 platform and GlassFish 3. I have some trouble understanding the access types o…… -
Java – how to dynamically add projects to listview in Android
Who can help me? I'm trying to create a listview in Android, and I'm trying to load the project into it using code (no…… -
The CTRL space completion of Java – Eclipse: main is no longer valid
I use eclipse (3.7.1), and I like Ctrl space autocompletion It was once used to generate static public void main (stri…… -
Java – how do you call the paint method in the Applet extension class?
I have two called paintme Java and starter Java class file import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; public class…… -
Why are there exceptions to the following java code?
Why do I get exceptions Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to…… -
Java – string foo = “bar” and string foo = new string in Android (“bar”)?
I searched for this, but the keywords must be too generic to narrow the relevant bits Why are both ways of declaring s…… -
Java and C 11 volatile
I want to port some code from Java to C 11. I'm confused about volatile keyword I'm not familiar with the Java languag…… -
Symfony – complex doctrine2 query with optional parameters
I want to know the best way to query the database with optional parameters For example, I have a search, its name, loc…… -
Java – Jfilechooser in JPanel; How to let users choose
The default Jfilechooser works, but what I don't like is the fact that it pops up I'd rather have a GUI where all the …… -
Java – why doesn’t JPA automatically generate an ID for my row?
I want to use the sequence policy to automatically generate IDS, but I'm breaking my mind to make it work I have no id…… -
Java – how do you share a low-level utility class between packages without exposing it to a public API?
I have a library project. I want to restrict the public API, but I also have some low-level utility classes that are s……