Java – bouncycastle error: the key type in the ECDSA based signer is not recognized
I have been using bouncy castle's encryption library and RSA's encryption library for some simple tests What I'm doing…… -
Java – typesafe delegation without instanceof
I have a service program: filter(List<Criterion> criteria); Is there a good way to internally assign method call…… -
Java – ant creates filesets from (absolute) attributes, dirsets
In ant, I define some attributes to define some paths (absolute) required to build the system Most ant tasks require f…… -
ODBC interface / driver written in Java
I am looking for a way to expose my Java EE application server through ODBC connection That is; I need to provide the …… -
Java – spring rest JSON binding
I'm trying to create restful services with spring Method accepts the "usercontext" object through parameters, that is,…… -
Java – binding methods to buttons in Android
There is a button in my layout, which contains the following attributes: Android: onclick = "nextq". In my java code, …… -
Java / Android: get Facebook user information from graphic API and display it in textview
I'm working hard to learn java now, and I've been in-depth learning since Android faceobok API Now, I'm trying to get …… -
Java – streaming data using httpurlconnection
I want to use httpurlconnection to open a long-term connection with the server through HTTP post and process the strea…… -
How to write GMM (Gaussian mixture model) in Java?
How to write GMM (Gaussian mixture model) in Java There are some implementations in MATLAB, but I'm looking for some d…… -
Java – no matter how the application starts, you can find the conf text
I'm new to Java I have some directory structures product/ conf/ classes/com/../.. Conf / contains some…… -
Java – a regular expression used to remove HTML tags from a string
I am looking for a regular expression to delete all HTML tags in the string from JSP Example 1 sampleString = "test st…… -
Java – how to store encrypted passwords in the database?
I try to store the password in the database in encrypted form with the help of JSP and servlets How can I do that? Sol…… -
Java – wsimport ant task and JDK 6
I am trying to generate a web service proxy class using Jax WS, and use the wsimport ant task, similar to this questio…… -
Java – how to escape special characters used in SQL queries?
Is there a Java library to escape special characters from strings to be inserted into SQL queries I've been writing co…… -
Design pattern – the difference between facade and business delegation pattern
What is the difference between facade and business delegation design pattern Are they all used to hide business logic …… -
Java – scheduled tasks in jetty
I want to write a simple groovlet that runs a task periodically and uses the jetty container What is the easiest way t…… -
Java – how to simplify my java
I wrote some java code in the spring framework I have two beans, man and man 1 Their structure is slightly different, …… -
Images from Mathematica to Java
I tried to get a picture from Mathematica So my question: How to convert these graphics to Java??? Here is my sample c…… -
Java HTML – > PDF solution?
I am currently using java to build PDF - based reports I've seen iText and birt, but it seems that I need to spend a l…… -
Java – how to programmatically cancel reading from InputStream?
I checked stackoverflow and Google, but I couldn't find a solution to the problem, so that's what I'm doing I have a c…… -
Java – you need to read in the ArrayList and separate positive and negative numbers
I need to read 10 integers into ArrayList and program them into two groups: "positive integers" and "negative integers…… -
Java – did I close this Oracle pool connection correctly?
I tried to connect to my web application using a pool in Java I'm using Oracle database. Here's my code: public class …… -
Java – why does libgdx SpriteBatch / bitmapfont destroy texture bind?
I'm using libgdx to write games for Android Here are some codes for painting texture torus: Gdx.gl10.glPushMatrix(); G…… -
Doctrine ORM – many to many with additional parameters
Use the default entity creation command: PHP app/console doctrine:mapping:import testSiteBundle yml PHP app/console do…… -
Java – getbundle cannot find the properties file
I'm trying to use a properties file to store my Google Checkout merchant information When I call resourcebundle Getbun…… -
Java – spring aggregation jar
Is there a jar file aggregating spring 3.0 All the small jars in the 6 distribution, like those I know jetty exists? S…… -
Using HTML5 Video Tags in JavaFX applications
I have a simple JavaFX application that loads a web page in the WebView component StackPane root = new StackPane(); Sc…… -
Java – JScrollPane – auto scroll to bottom?
I've been trying to create a scrolling pane that automatically scrolls down when users add more lines of text to the w…… -
Java – does the applet not display at all?
OK, so I did a small applet tutorial. I read the init () method required to run the applet Such is the case. At least …… -
Entity Framework – Entity Framework 4.1: the navigation property ‘businessuser’ declared on the ‘Login’ type has configured the multiplicity of conflicts
I have two entities BusinessUser { Id(PK),Name,...} Login { BusinessUserID(PK,FK),Email,Password,etc...} The relation…… -
Exception of Java – propertymodel expression: org apache. wicket. Wicketruntimeexception: no get method defined for class:
I use propertymodel as part of dropdownchoice, as follows: List<String> choices = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "…… -
MVC in Java only needs to point in the right direction
I'm not a rookie in programming I have written in one language or another for 20 years Just not in Java My main langua……