Java – using wildfly 8’s simple rest API
First of all, I am a novice in this environment I've developed Java before, but I'm not an application server I've nev…… -
Java – JSP string format truncation
Does anyone know how to use tag library to truncate strings in JSP? I want to use Jakarta taglibs, but say it's retire…… -
Java – where can I specify Jackson serializationconfig. In spring 3.1 Feature settings
I'm confused about why the default Jackson is included. Spring seems to have customized the default Jackson configurat…… -
Fileoutputstream access denied: Java
I have the following code correctly integrated with iText library import*; import com.itextpdf.text.*; import…… -
Java – Eclipse: show the code source of class files?
I'm running eclipse 3.5 2 and is debugging a class that calls methods - let's call it flaky () - in my other Jar file …… -
Java – what is the right maven2 phase to deploy to an application server?
I'm trying to configure POM XML so that it automatically deploys the ear archive to the GlassFish application server I…… -
Do JDK courses have other specifications besides Javadoc?
Do JDK courses have other specifications besides Javadoc? If so, where? For example, refer to collections unmodifiable…… -
Java – an algorithm for calculating public group membership using big data
I need to write a program to calculate the number of times two users are in the same group Users are assigned by user …… -
javax. mail. What’s the use of session?
I'm taking a class in charge of sending e - mail It looks like this (Simplified): /* ... */ Properties props = System.…… -
Java – what can I do to avoid the “out of memory” error when JDBC is connected to SQLite3 database?
When JDBC is connected to SQLite3 database, what can I do to avoid the "out of memory" error? java.sql.sqlException: o…… -
java. util. Date calculation days difference
I tried to calculate the difference between the two dates, and I noticed one thing When only days are counted, the sta…… -
Implement Java_ “Real” definition of home
As a java developer switching between Nix systems (OS X, Ubuntu,...), although I can "get" my JDK and run it at any ti…… -
Java – Guice only registers some constructors
Suppose I have some message classes, as shown below This is a simple combination class public class Message { privat…… -
Java – ArrayList finds the first and last elements
Good evening, I have an ArrayList (instantiated as ld_data), and I query / display element data forward and backward I…… -
Suppress Java findbugs errors (ei_expose_rep)
I have a Java gettor method, as follows: import java.util.Date; //... public Date getSomeDate() { return someDate; }…… -
Java – stop or terminate long-running queries in JDBC
Is there any way to stop or terminate long-running Oracle queries in JDBC? It usually ends up restarting the applicati…… -
Java – when will static nested classes (and static members in them) be loaded into memory?
Here, I try to use the internal static helper class to implement the singleton class for my database connection: packa…… -
Java – how can I call a method of a null object?
public class JavaPuzzler { public class JavaPuzzler { public static void main(String[] args) { JavaPuzzler ja…… -
Why does Java polymorphism not work in my example
I have these four Java claims: public class Rect { double width; double height; String color; public …… -
Java syntax for a list of comparable objects
I'm writing a method that takes unique parameters as a list of comparable objects and returns nothing I'm not sure wha…… -
What should be the size of the icon in the Java – alertdialog?
I'm trying to assign an icon to an alertdialog, but I keep getting a memory error (seems to be from the size of the ic…… -
Why does setting properties in a session sometimes fail in a java servlet?
I am developing a fairly simple web application using JSP and java servlet running on Tomcat I have been able to set p…… -
Java – how to exclude a single variable using tostrimbuilder
I have an object that contains many variables, but one of them is bytearray, for example public class DataWithFields {…… -
Java – how do I adjust the hue of a color code?
Maybe someone knows that one method in Java (Android) is to apply hue to color code? For example, if I have #1589ff an…… -
Java – in JBoss 7.1 A component named “XXX” has been defined in this module of 1
Timerservicedispatcher is not used in my application to create spring bean names However, the exception thrown by JBos…… -
Allow two or more mobile virtual machines to communicate on their own network
I want to create multiple servers that can communicate directly without using public IP They still need internet acces…… -
Java – the application starts searching for GPS when the application starts, not when needed
>I have an Android application that includes Google Maps V2 as part of the feature <uses-permission android:name…… -
Java – gson JSON parser array
I want to parse some JSON and parse the array Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to handle nested arrays in JSON JS…… -
How does Java and Android darken ImageView
As IOS developers told me, IOS darkens the image when someone clicks it (I don't know how real it is), so I need the s…… -
Java: how to add SSL client authentication
I have this code to connect the server and the client using SSL. Now I want to add client authentication: (I have a se…… -
Java – fix malformed ellipses in strings
I want to fix malformed ellipses (...) in string "Hello.. World.." "Hello... World..." // this is correct "Hello..…… -
Java – master Google Guice
I just started using Google Guice as a dependency injection framework and tried to transform it into a small and mediu……