Java – where does JIT compiled code reside?
So I have this method written in Java: public void myMethod(int y){ int x = 5 + y; doSomething(x); } And suppo…… -
Java – enumeration is null
I am developing a LALG compiler to my college course Java 1.6 So I made a type class and grammar class EnumTypes publi…… -
Java – the xmlstreamreader does not close the open XML file
To use xmlstreamreader, I'm initializing it like – XMLInputFactory f = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); XMLStreamReader …… -
Check whether the resultset in Java is empty
See English answers > java resultset how to check if there are any results21 //check if empty first if(…… -
Does Java sync update the full cache, or only my synchronized objects?
If I access objects in a synchronization method or synchronization block, are all objects in the accessed element sync…… -
java – Hibernate – hibernate. hbm2ddl. auto = validate
I'm interested in hibernate hbm2ddl. Auto = interested in the actual work of verification, I am trying to find compreh…… -
Effectively find unique vector elements in the list
I have a list of numeric vectors. I need to create a list that contains only one copy of each vector There is no list …… -
Java – findbugs and Google codepro Analytix (Eclipse Plug-in)
I've used Google codepro Analytix, but I've never used findbugs Findbugs' first impression is that configuration is mo…… -
Java – benefit from getters and setters generated in play! skeleton
Play for each public farm of the runtime model class! framework generates getters and setters. public class Product { …… -
Java – determines if the file is duplicated
Is there a reliable way to determine whether the two files are the same? For example, two files of the same size and t…… -
Does Java – spring AOP compile time weaving or load time weaving?
I started using spring AOP for projects, and I was a little confused about weaving I know that spring AOP relies on as…… -
Java – how to see an array in Android’s logcat
I want to record arrays in my logcat, such as arrays, so I know what the output is File[] mp3List = ... Log.v("test",m…… -
Java optimized string and character array
In my program, I'm doing a lot of string operations I'm trying to improve performance and wonder if using char arrays …… -
Java soap request – read soap response
I am trying to get the specific value in the response from WebService Unfortunately, I don't know what to do. I use th…… -
Java – how do I start Jfilechooser in the details view?
I want my Jfilechooser to start with the details view instead of the list view it starts with How do you do it? Soluti…… -
Java – guava charmatcher static initialization slow
Update: looks like my 13.0 1 is the calling code from this diffed charmatcher…… -
Why is this code not compiled in javac, but there are no errors in eclipse?
The following codes: @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target( { ElementType.METHOD,ElementType.FIELD,ElementType.A…… -
Java – how to subclass the general ArrayList so that the instance of myarraylist will become a subclass of ArrayList?
I want to keep my subclass generic. All I want to change is the add (object) method of ArrayList to call ArrayList Add…… -
Convert Java bytecode to other presentation and programming languages
I am looking for ways / tools / projects to convert Java bytecode to other programming languages, or at least in struc…… -
Java – spring data findfirstby throws correctresultsizedataaccessexception?
I want to use SQL SELECT. XML with method name in spring data The selection should be sorted by price @Entity public c…… -
Java – converts dates to timestamps in scala
In Scala, I convert date to timestamp I am doing this: val date = new java.util.Date() new java.sql.Timestamp(new org.…… -
Java – my periodformatter didn’t behave as I expected – what did I do wrong?
I'm having trouble using joda time's periodformatter I want someone to report days, hours, minutes and seconds, but my…… -
Java – joda datetime format for xmlregionancalendar type
I use JAXB 2.2 8-b01 impl, I have a schema, which has an XS: date element, which creates an xmlregionancalendar instan…… -
Java – string S1 = = string S2 (true) but fieldoffset is different
When I was learning Java, I already knew that the correct way to compare two strings was to use equals instead of "= =…… -
How to replace classes in applications running in Java?
I have a class named namegenerator I can use it to generate names based on a given logic Then I write a testnamegenera…… -
If the parent class / interface changes, will the bytecode of the class change?
I am trying to determine whether some jars need to be recompiled in the build chain. If I have the following structure…… -
Java – print ArrayList element?
How do I print element "e" in ArrayList "list"? ArrayList<Dog> list = new ArrayList<Dog>(); Dog e = new D…… -
How to force a java thread to close a thread local database connection
When using thread local database connection, the connection needs to be closed when the thread exists I can do this on…… -
Java – Eclipse: search for strings in selected packages?
How do I search for strings in classes in multiple selected packages? Search multiple strings in eclipse seems to sear…… -
Use Java 5 enumeration as velocity variable
All I need to use Java 5 enumeration in the speed template so that I can write something similar public enum Level{ …… -
Java – how to set default headers for all requests in the Apache HTTP client?
For example, the default user agent can be set to: Solution Httpclient 4.3 now allows a set of default headers to be c…… -
Java – switch to BigInteger if necessary
I am reading a text file containing numbers in the range [1,10 ^ 100] Then I perform a series of arithmetic operations……