. Net – Convert System:: array to STD:: vector
Does anyone know that cli / Net system:: array is a simple method to convert C STD:: vector, in addition to operating …… -
Java – Tomcat configuration using DBCP
After a few seconds, we receive a communicationsexception (from DBCP) The error message (in the exception) is the end …… -
Java – selenium webdriver cannot find element through link text
I'm trying to select an element that contains an anchor, but the text is buried in a paragraph within a Div This is th…… -
Java – if the thread running the function is interrupted, does the finally block execute?
If I have a function with a try / finally part and the thread running it is interrupted in the try block, does the fin…… -
Is there a central Javadoc repository online?
I found some using the name com sun. jersey. spi. container. Sample code for the interface of containerrequestfilter S…… -
Java – Maven installation issues
Hi, I'm trying to use this tutorial to install Maven to my computer. I've put my environment variable Maven_ Set home …… -
When should I use Java’s stringwriter?
What is a Java stringwriter and when should it be used? I've read the documentation and looked at here, but I don't kn…… -
Java – a regular expression used to split strings separated by | when not enclosed in double quotes
I need a regular expression to calculate the number of columns in the pipeline delimited string in Java For example: "…… -
Java: files to hex
I have a java file FileInputStream in = null; try{ in = new FileInputStream("C:\\pic.bmp"); }catch{} I want to pic…… -
Java – natural language processing – features of text classification
So I try to use Weka SVM to classify text So far, the feature vector I used to train SVM consists of TF-IDF statistics…… -
Java – how do I handle uppercase or lowercase in JSR 310?
There is already an answer to this question: > how to parse case insensitive strings with jsr310 datetimeformatter?…… -
In javax Importing maps in the scripting JavaScript environment
I'm in javax Some strange behaviors are seen in the scripting map implementation The online example shows an example o…… -
Java – Cross Platform file path construction and representation
I'm in the refactoring phase of my ongoing project and want to make some improvements on how I build and represent fil…… -
Java – check whether a file is an image
I am using Jai and creating a file: PlanarImage img = JAI.create("fileload",myFilename); If the file exists, I check t…… -
Should I reset the Java heap space after use?
I'm using some modeling algorithms in R, one of which runs in Java (bartmachine) I found that before running the model…… -
Strange java time zone date conversion problem
I want to convert ms-since-1970-timestamp to a date with time zone (Germany) These are two variations of the code – at…… -
Is there any way to use Java similar to array and can use its custom classes?
Using Java, is there any way to make a custom class use [] accessors like arrays? Normal array int[] foo = int[5]; foo…… -
Java: nested recursive generics
I have a set of classes that extend some basic entities Classes in this collection can also extend each other to creat…… -
Java – Android GC considerations – when does the GC run and can track its running status from the code?
I've been looking for some detailed design documents describing the architecture of Dalvik VM garbage collector, but I…… -
Easy in Java
Make sure it's an easy person who sees it first! Why code in Java long one = 1 << 0; long thirty = 1 <<…… -
Elastic search – integration with Java Web Applications
I am developing a Java Web application (ERP system) I have finished the basic process Now, according to my customer's …… -
Java JPA: perforant checks whether the entity is already in the DB
What is the best method / best practice to use JPA to check whether an entity is already in the database? I'm writing …… -
How to suppress warnings during Javadoc compilation (within the scope of the code base)?
I'm stuck in a legacy java code base, and there will be thousands warnings when you compile it I am happy to actually …… -
Julia: append to an empty vector
I want to create an empty vector and append an array to Julia What do I do? x = Vector{Float64} append!(x,rand(10)) Th…… -
XMPP – how do I retrieve chat history using the Java smack library from the openfire server?
After installing the open archive plug-in in the openfire server, I can see that the chat conversation between two use…… -
Java – how do I add soap headers to the spring Jax WS client?
How do I add soap headers to the spring Jax WS client? Specifically, I have a JAXB object that I want to add to the ti…… -
Java – Android and lambda
I need to integrate some code with the widespread use of Java lambda functions The problem is that using lambda requir…… -
Multithreading – managing threads in Grails services
So I have a service setting to import a large amount of data from the files uploaded by users I want users to continue…… -
Set null value in Cf9 ORM
Is there a way for Cf9 ORM to insert null values into the database instead of empty strings? I have a numeric field th…… -
Java – how to avoid initialization of large arrays
I assigned a lot of doubles double[] x = new double[ n ]; Where n is large, I want to avoid initialization to save tim…… -
Where can I get tools for use with earlier versions of Java 8 JDK jar
Where can I get tools from earlier versions of Java 8 JDK jar? Without it, my java 1.8 Maven POM based project in Net…… -
Java threads in libgdx
Hey guys, I'm making a game with libgdx. I really want to operate the game, so I run a drawing loop and a logic loop o……