The future of SAP Java connector
Is SAP Java connector still a good way to connect Java applications to sap? Will connectors be supported and maintaine…… -
Java – G1 garbage collector log analyzer
I am looking for GC log analyzer for the first garbage collector Many people have mentioned "IBM model modeling and an…… -
Is buffered output stream more efficient than input stream in Java?
Bored earlier today, I began to think about the relative performance of buffered and unbuffered byte streams in Java A…… -
Delete in Java 9 misc. Unsafe will break spring, hibernate
I read here, if Oracle deleted sun. In Java 9 misc. Unsafe, spring and many other popular libraries will be destroyed …… -
Java – how to find bean validation errors in NetBeans
I created an EJB Session Facade in NetBeans 7 to store my entities public class Insurance{ @ManyToOne(optional=fal…… -
Java – Maven build failed dependencies
I have a local artefact repository and my Maven settings point to it, but for some reason, it doesn't seem to hit it a…… -
Java – generic methods with different return types depending on the call location
I have the following methods to use generics to execute getters for each item in the list it receives: public static &…… -
Java – spring boot w / embedded Tomcat does not send requests to the controller
I have an application using spring boot and embedded Tomcat container As far as I know, my code is the same as spring …… -
Multithreading – how do I kill an MFC thread?
I use afxbeginthread to generate a thread, which is an infinite while loop: UINT CMyClass::ThreadProc( LPVOID param ) …… -
Statements prepared by Java in try with resources do not work properly
See English answers > how should I use try with resources with JDBC? 4 What on earth did I do wrong? Or is it impos…… -
Multithreading – reactive extension onnext
Using the RX theme, is it thread safe to call onnext() from multiple threads? Therefore, sequences can be generated fr…… -
Query documents on array elements in mongodb using java
I'm new to mongodb My sample document is { "Notification" : [ { "date_from" : ISODate("2013-07…… -
JavaFX real time linechart with timeline
I tried to draw a real-time graph with a timeline, but I found that the linechart constructor only has a signature Lin…… -
Java – I should test for situations where nothing happens
If the status is s or P, the sample can be deleted I have the following tests: @Test public void canBeDeletedWhenStatu…… -
Debugging – the most effective way to debug on a BlackBerry device?
I am looking for the fastest and most effective way to debug my java application BlackBerry I noticed that in my case,…… -
Java – guava dependency on jar package size – is there a small version?
I just raised the version of guava library from 9 to 10 and noticed that the jar file size has increased 1.5MB just to…… -
NoClassDefFoundError uses Jackson 2.2 X with gradle on Android
For my android project, I set gradle with Jackson 2.2 X is as follows: // build.gradle buildscript { repositories …… -
Java – add new fields in body exception spring rest
I want to handle exceptions in the rest spring startup application I know that with @ controlleradvice and responseent…… -
Java – why initialize a member object after the constructor of a superclass?
I encountered an interesting problem yesterday. Although the repair is very simple, I am still a little vague about it…… -
Java – how to interrupt the idle of IMAP?
I'm using the JavaMail API that connects to my IMAP server Using javax mail. Folder. When idle () method, everything w…… -
Java – system. Java in Servlet exit
If someone writes system. In the servlet Exit(), will the server or application crash? Solution Maybe! The container s…… -
Java – how to add Weblogic – application. Net to the war file xml
Can you tell me if I can add Weblogic - application. To the war file XML, if so, how to perform the same operation Sol…… -
Python regular expression for java package name
I have a problem using Python to determine a valid java package name This is the code: packageName = "com.domain.lala"…… -
Java – I encountered this exception: an unresolved compilation problem
I removed the jar from the project( pdf@R_157_2419 @, bouncy castle, etc.) and move them to another folder, but I get…… -
JavaFX 2.0 activates menus, such as MenuItem
I'm making a menubar, and I can't press the menu function: "file" and perform an action It's like opening another fxml…… -
Java – why does m2eclipse complain about missing artifacts when the MVN command line is not available?
I have just set up a new installation of eclipse Helios and have configured m2eclipse to use Maven's external (V 2.2.1…… -
Is there a map with variable key length in the Java world?
I need a map, but when I call get (key, n), it should not only return all records with search key values, but also ret…… -
Java – groupingby with collectingandthen – is there a faster / better / cleaner way?
I have the following courses (getters): public class AlgorithmPrediction { private final String algorithmName; …… -
Java – cannot work with Jackson
I wonder why there is no definite way to work with Jackson I just want to parse JSON strings: ObjectMapper mapper = ne…… -
Java – gradle output jar does not have a main class
I have the following simple build Gradle file: apply plugin: 'application' apply plugin: 'java' mainClassName = 'com.…… -
Java – joda time dateformatter displays milliseconds if non-zero
With joda time, I want to display a list of dates that may or may not have milliseconds If an entry has milliseconds, …… -
How to query the M: n relationship with JPA2?
I have an object (blogpost), which contains a collection of M: n elements (tags) How to query an object (blogpost), in……