How does a java program run without defining the main method?
I'm looking at some java source code and notice that the main methods are not defined How does Java compile source cod…… -
Java – convert data URL to bufferedimage
I have a data URL for an image file and must pass it to another function Along the path from the data URL to the buffe…… -
Java: copying arrays of non basic types
What is the preferred way to copy non primitive arrays in Java? How about performance issues? Solution The old school …… -
Java Preparedstatement UTF-8 character problem
I have a prepared statement: PreparedStatement st; In my code, I try to use the st.setstring method st.setString(1,use…… -
Whether guava has command line parameter parser [closed]
Does gauva have its own command line parser? Or should I resort to jcommander / args4j / Apache cli or something? Solu…… -
Java – “the first sentence should end in a period of time.”
Java checkstyle puzzles me package pmain; /** * Some text here. */ public class Main { } This is literally all th…… -
Java UTF-8 to ASCII conversion and supplement
We accept the input of various national characters in UTF-8 string, and we need to convert them into output ascii stri…… -
Java – examples / illustrations of wait free and lock free algorithms
I have read that waiting for free causes all threads to complete independently, and no locking ensures that the progra…… -
Java – how to set the content type of a file for multipart upload in using resttemplate (from the rest client)
The file I want to upload will always be an XML file I want to set content type to application / XML MultiValueMap<…… -
How to delete all images / drawings from PDF files and leave only text in Java?
I have a PDF file that is the output of the OCR processor. The OCR processor recognizes images and adds text to the PD…… -
Java – how to use the Detect the first and last lines in readline()?
I read each line of the file in the following way BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inFile)); whi…… -
JAVA_ Home cannot find sudo
I have a bash script on a Linux box that runs jar files When I log in as a regular user, I do not have permission to r…… -
grails – java. lang.ClassNotFoundException:org. apache. batik. dom. svg. SVGOMDocument
Pay attention to many questions and answers about using batik. I can't fix my mistakes. I can't find anything that may…… -
Java – Apache Tomcat 7.0 is not decompressed war?
I want to deploy my application to the server, and then I can access the application like this:…… -
Can Java break / label statements be used as “goto” in bytecode obfuscation?
I'm trying to decompile some Java Class file, I encountered some code in which tags are used in a way that doesn't thi…… -
Java – what’s the difference between converting @ Autowired to a variable and a method?
Class A { Class A { private B instanceB; @Autowired public setInstanceB(B instanceB) { this.instanceB …… -
java. util. stream. What happened to streamable?
Early jdk8-ea JavaDocs like this indicated that there was a Java util. stream. Streamable interface, which seems to ha…… -
Java – different titles for each fragment in my viewpager
I'm using a viewpager "tab slide" and I want to set a different title for each clip in the actionbar so that the title…… -
How do I map a string to a function in Java?
At present, I have a bunch of Java classes that implement the processor interface, which means that they all have a pr…… -
Java – how to create a compact configuration file
I am searching for a way to create compact configuration files in Java 1.8 You can create a compact configuration file…… -
Java map sort by value
I'm looking for a way to sort map < string, integer > By value I found this post, which solved my sorting proble…… -
Multithreading – use TDD to drive thread safe code
What is a good way to use TDD to launch thread safe code? For example, suppose I have a factory method that uses defer…… -
Java – use enum vs Boolean?
This may seem generic at first, but in fact, I'm actually making the decision I need to use My ongoing work involves j…… -
Java – how to use httpsurlconnection certificate authentication?
I am trying to connect to an HTTPS URL, but I need to use client authentication and a certificate placed on my system …… -
Load the original 64 byte ECDSA public key in Java
I have an ECDSA NIST p-256 public key in the original (R, s) format There seems to be no easy way to load it into the …… -
Java 6 source backward compatibility and SQL
My understanding is that in order to maintain source compatibility, Java never introduces new methods into the public …… -
Java – use characters instead of strings for single character values in StringBuffer append
I am passing the PMD rule appendcharacterwithchar It says avoid in StringBuffer Append concatenates characters into st…… -
Java – how to share a JSF error page among multiple Wars
I'm trying to share an error page (error. XHTML) between multiple wars They are all in a big ear application, and they…… -
Where are Java static variables stored in memory?
class A{ class A{ static int i = 10; static int j = 20; static void getname(){ } } Where are these variables …… -
Java – how to use onclicklistener in the recycle bin view?
See English answer > recyclerview onclick34 package com.albumlist.albumlist; import android.content.Context; impor…… -
Java – iterative weakhashmap
I also use weakhashmap I want to implement fine-grained locking based on an integer parameter; If thread a needs to mo…… -
Java – how to automatically split large strings in IntelliJ ideas?
I'm testing with a long string So I need to split such a large string: privat static final String TOO_LONG_JSON = "{fi……