Java – GWT developer plug-in for chrome and Internet Explorer – block installation
I am trying to install the GWT developer plug-in for Chrome (version 34.0.1847.131 m). I received the following error: "this application does not support installation on this computer and has been disabled. The following problems were detected:" and "npapi plug-in is required by this application". Is there a solution?
I have installed the Microsoft Visual C 2008 SP1 redistributable package as suggested in one answer
I also try to run in Explorer (version 11), which requires me to download the GWT developer plug-in for Firefox This requires opening the content in a new window Then I choose to open "GWT - dev - plugin. Xpi" When it finishes downloading, it asks me to save it (if I open it just download again) Is there a solution?
I run on Windows 8.1
To avoid this, open the ie11 development tool and change the "document mode" from "edge" to "10" under the "simulation" menu The page should be refreshed and you should be able to install IE's GWT plug-in
Once installed, you can return to "edge" document mode
Work for me
But as @ apanizo said, if possible, I will use super development mode In the latest Firefox, the development mode is no longer supported. It will be the same for the upcoming chrome 35