Java – how to draw a tree representing the connection node graph?
I want to display the tree in the Java GUI, but I don't know how The tree represents the graph of connected nodes, as …… -
How to set a custom DH group in Java sslengine to prevent logjam attacks?
The new logjam TLS attack is based on the common DH group This link recommends generating a new, custom 2048 bit DH gr…… -
Java – iterates a one-dimensional array into a two-dimensional array
I have, int[10] oneDim = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10},index = 0; As shown in figure here, we create a two - dimensional from…… -
Client side template language using java compiler (dry template)
I want to be able to define templates once and use them to render HTML from the server and client (dry principle and a…… -
Java recursion and two variables
I've been trying to figure out how the stack of this recursive method works public class Apples { public static v…… -
Java – using cookie persistence improvement
My guy, I'm using modification, and I want to know how to handle session cookies transparently Client client = new Apa…… -
Java, the most effective way to pass string array as method parameters
Why passing {a, B, C} to a method doesn't work? 7 String[] args = {"a","b","c"}; method(args); private void method(S…… -
Java – is sorting by a non transitive comparator “working”?
If I report to collections What happens if sort provides a non transitive comparator? Can I enter an infinite cycle? A…… -
Java – spring boot – how to specify an alternate boot class? (multiple entry points)
I want to add an alternative entry point to my spring boot application I'd rather think of it as a fat pot Is that pos…… -
Looking for 2D java games?
I am writing a very basic java game based on the idea of theme hospital I'm new to Java. I'm studying in college I hav…… -
Java – socket input stream is hung at the end of reading What’s the best way?
I'm a little obsessed with how to avoid my socket hanging on reading This is my code: Socket socket = new Socket("some…… -
Java – what is the purpose of calling type parameters in the new constructor?
In Java specification( -In 15.9), new has the follow…… -
Java – GWT developer plug-in for chrome and Internet Explorer – block installation
I am trying to install the GWT developer plug-in for Chrome (version 34.0.1847.131 m). I received the following error:…… -
What is the difference between navigableset, sortedset and TreeSet in Java?
TreeSet places elements in a natural sort or a comparator provided by Sortedset also maintains elements in natural ord…… -
Java – how to check whether the element in the int array is empty?
Example: I want to see if array [5] saves a value or is empty Solution Elements in the original array cannot be empty …… -
Java – is there a tool or framework to generate crud UI in swing?
I am looking for a tool / framework to (automatically) generate a swing user interface to perform CRUD operations on t…… -
Java – socket input stream is hung at the end of reading What’s the best way?
I'm a little obsessed with how to avoid my socket hanging on reading This is my code: Socket socket = new Socket("some…… -
Java – how do I cross two arrays of sorted integers without duplicates?
This is an interview question. I use it as a programming exercise Input: two sorted integer arrays a and B are allocat…… -
In Java, how to use serviceloader to simulate a loaded service?
I have a traditional Java application that has such code ServiceLoader.load(SomeInterface.class) I want to provide a c…… -
Java – change the text color of Google place picker AppBar
I really want to know if I can change the text color of AppBar text in Android's placepicker API It should inherit the…… -
Java EE – inject EJBs into domain objects using Java EE 6
How to inject EJBs into domain objects (JPA entities) using Java EE 6? Solution In Java EE 6, CDI extends the concept …… -
Java – how do I read directories from the runtime classpath?
My java application needs to be able to find a myconfig / directory that will be bundled in the same jar: myjar.jar/ …… -
Java – Web Services: jax-ws, CXF, WSDL… What’s that?
Sorry, his novice problem But I really need to start with this Can someone explain to me? Solution Jax - WS is a speci…… -
Java – rendering images from servlets in PDF generated by flyingsaucer
I'm using flyingsaucer to render the XHTML document to pdf.pdf through a servlet that returns the generated PDF docume…… -
Java – spring boot and Apache CXF for restful web services?
I'm part of the coding competition. My task is to create a restful online market where users can publish purchase and …… -
JavaFX copy from clojure
I started learning clojure, and I wanted to try JavaFX for GUI I found this article:…… -
JavaFX: what is the difference between EventHandler and EventFilter?
I've been searching for some time and I found that basically, some web pages say there's no big difference Except for …… -
Specifies the generic type in Java from the class object
Why is this wrong: Class<? extends Number> type = Integer.class; ArrayList<type> = new ArrayList<&g…… -
How does a java program run without defining the main method?
I'm looking at some java source code and notice that the main methods are not defined How does Java compile source cod…… -
Java – convert data URL to bufferedimage
I have a data URL for an image file and must pass it to another function Along the path from the data URL to the buffe…… -
Java: copying arrays of non basic types
What is the preferred way to copy non primitive arrays in Java? How about performance issues? Solution The old school …… -
Java Preparedstatement UTF-8 character problem
I have a prepared statement: PreparedStatement st; In my code, I try to use the st.setstring method st.setString(1,use……