Java – generic methods for non generic classes
I try to use a generic approach, so I don't have to repeat the code I tried: private Listener createListenerAdapter(Cl…… -
Java – Maven eclipse does not add dependencies
My POM The following code snippet is in the XML (you can execute the complete POM below) <dependency> <gr…… -
Java – connect appengine datastore and Search API
I don't know what's the best way to connect to the data store and Search API? What I am looking for is that whenever I…… -
Java – why doesn’t drag and drop work in selenium webdriver?
I tried to drag an element into another element using selenium webdriver, but it didn't work I tried all the solutions…… -
Java – double my money: my framework uses doubles monetary amounts
I inherited a project in which monetary quantities use dual types To make matters worse, it uses twice the money for t…… -
Java – if the running mode is parameter = “methods”, how to force TestNG to create a new test class instance for each method
If the running mode is parameter = "methods", how to force TestNG to create a new test class instance for each method?…… -
Java – how to draw a tree representing the connection node graph?
I want to display the tree in the Java GUI, but I don't know how The tree represents the graph of connected nodes, as …… -
How to set a custom DH group in Java sslengine to prevent logjam attacks?
The new logjam TLS attack is based on the common DH group This link recommends generating a new, custom 2048 bit DH gr…… -
Java – nested bounded wildcards
When I try to compile the following code: LinkedList<List<? extends Number>> numList = new LinkedList<L…… -
Java – vector graphics in IText pdf
We use iText to generate PDF from Java (based in part on the suggestions on this website) However, embedding an image …… -
Java – forces JTable to model “commit” data while still in edit mode
I have a JTable as follows Therefore, when JTable is still in edit mode (a keyboard cursor flashes in the divide colum…… -
Java – random and uniform distribution
I know that if I use the random generator in Java and generate numbers with nextint, the numbers will be evenly distri…… -
Java – what is the difference between length and length?
See English answer > length and length () in java7 arrayone.length; However, for things like array lists or strings…… -
How to get the root node attribute on Java
I have an XML file, as shown below I want to get the latitude and longitude attributes of the pharmacy node I can get …… -
Datetime – dome minutes using java 8
So I was lucky to use Java 8 and the new time API, but I didn't see any rounding function Basically, if the time is 20…… -
Java – spring security and LDAP authentication
I'm trying to set up LDAP authentication. This is my spring security XML file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"…… -
Nesting enumerations in Java
I want to nest some enumerations The object I represent is flags, with type and value There are discrete types, each w…… -
Java – why does one loop throw a concurrentmodificationexception while the other does not?
I encountered this problem when I was writing a travel salesman plan For the inner loop, I tried one for(Point x:Array…… -
Cassandra Java driver: how many touchpoints are reasonable?
In Java, I connect to the cussandra cluster as follows: Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints("host-001…… -
Java – why (long) 9223372036854665200d give me 9223372036854665216?
I know the strange things of precision error, but I can't understand it, Why did the (long) 9223372036854665200d give …… -
Java – hibernate noob fetch join problem
I have two classes test2 and test3 Test2 has a property test3, which is an instance of test3 In other words, I have a …… -
Java – mockito style anyxxx unit test method
When unit testing some methods, some situations may occur. The value of some parameters is not important and can be an…… -
Java – sipdroid – another incoming call is not displayed, while another continues
I have installed sipdroid I made three accounts in sip2sip The question is: if I use SIP to call the same phone multip…… -
How to determine whether a Java class implements a specific interface
I'm trying to use reflection to determine whether the incoming class implements the iswdidget interface: public boolea…… -
Java – how to create a specific date in HSQLDB?
I need to create a high date in HSQLDB. The solution does not include me I need something similar Date(9999-12-31 0:0:…… -
Java – write a mat file instead of MATLAB header files and libraries
I have some data that I want to save to mat file (version 4 or 5, or any version for this) Capture: I don't want to us…… -
Java – how to speed up the build process using Maven tools
I use Maven as a build tool At present, I am doing the following construction Right click on the project - >maven c…… -
Java – can I press the jsup simulation button?
You can use jsup to submit a search to Google, but instead of sending your request through "Google search", you can us…… -
Java NIO Files. Createfile() failed with nosuchfileexception
I tried to put some core files in the dev - Test - prod setup Basically, if the document is newer, it needs to be copi…… -
Java – certificates need to be ignored when using resttemplate
I am sending a request to the following address The certificate is invalid. I want to ignore it I wrote the following …… -
Java – use generics in parameters of exceptions
I'm trying to store a collection of generic objects in exceptions and have trouble figuring out generics Specifically,…… -
Java – how to start GWT super development mode
There is already an answer to this question: > 5 super dev modes in GWT Now I can start using development mode, the……