Java – generics and classes Extended enumeration > >, EnumSet. allOf(class)vs class. getEnumConstants()
I have the following beanvalidation code that works properly and allows you to validate a bean annotation with: @EnumV…… -
Java – jcombobox itemstatechanged event is called twice at a time
@H_ 419_ 2@resultCombo = new JCombo@R_611_2419 @(); resultCombo. addItemListener(new ItemListener() { @Override public…… -
Java annotation values are provided dynamically
I want to provide comments for some values generated by some methods I've tried so far public @interface MyInterface {…… -
Java – passing subclass instances as superclasses using JAXB
I have a set of Java classes representing message types (close to 25) They all inherit the message class that they wan…… -
Java – is it OK to add the default implementation to the method representing the listener’s interface?
A library is used in my project This library has an interface with about 15 methods The purpose of this interface is t…… -
Strange default method behavior with different Java versions
Suppose I have the following class hierarchy: interface Collection<E> { Collection<E> $plus(E element)…… -
Java – annotation processor – how to get the class it is processing
I'm trying to write a custom annotation processor public class AnnotationProcessor extends AbstractProcessor { .....…… -
How do you feel about JavaFX?
I have done a lot of work in ActionScript 3.0, and I also like programming in Java Is JavaFX right for me? What is the…… -
Java – what happens to its iterator when I sort a list?
Suppose I have a list object and an iterator for that list Now I use Java util. Collections. Sort() sorts the list >…… -
java – Thread. Getid() global uniqueness problem
If multiple Java applications are running on the system, each thread ID is unique relative to all other Java threads, …… -
Java – why can’t a class extend a static nested class?
This class: public class OuterChild extends OuterChild.InnerParent { public static class InnerParent { } } Una…… -
Java is backward compatible, but why do we need to upgrade many libraries when we upgrade the JDK from 1.6 to 1.8?
Recently, I upgraded the JDK version from 1.6 to 1.8 in a java project However, there are some compilation or runtime …… -
Java – how to get files from a resource folder Spring framework
I tried to dissolve my XML file: public Object convertFromXMLToObject(String xmlfile) throws IOException { FileInp…… -
Print an integer with 2 decimal places in Java
In my code, I use integers multiplied by 100 as decimals (0.1 is 10, etc.) Can you format the output for me to display…… -
Java – parse manifest.xml in jar What is the correct method for entries in MF files?
Manifest.jar included in many Java jars MF contains headers that look like headers See example [*] I want something th…… -
Java – vertx Web: where do I put the Webroot folder?
It should be easy, but not so far I've been using vert X 2 and recently switched to vert x 3. I thought I would try a …… -
You can (and how to) use javax in EJB modules naming. Context #lookup find CDI managed beans?
Yes (if so, how?) Using javax. XML in EJB modules naming. Context #lookup find CDI managed beans? I use GlassFish v3 I…… -
How do I format the Spanish month in a sentence using simpledateformat?
This is my code: /* package whatever; // don't place package name! */ import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; import …… -
How to get the unique ID of each object in Java?
See the English answer > how to get the unique ID of an object which overrides hashcode()? 9 It should be object an…… -
Java – prevent SWT scrolledcomposite from eating part of it
What did I do wrong? This is my code excerpt public void createPartControl(Composite parent) { parent.setLayout(new …… -
The fastest way to write integer arrays to files in Java?
As the title says, I'm looking for the fastest way to write integer arrays to files Arrays vary in size and can actual…… -
Check whether the fastest method in string can be resolved to double in Java
I know there are a million ways to do this, but what's the fastest? This should include scientific notation Note: I'm …… -
Java – where the result set is stored when using JDBC and Oracle drivers
Once I use JDBC with the Oracle driver and run the select query, do I store the query results in Oracle memory or file…… -
Java – how to use the eclipse generated WebService client class?
I use eclipse Helios to create a web service client to consume an axis 1.4 web service The internal client package has…… -
How to set java system properties globally on OS X?
Short stories I need a system level approach to Java awt. The headless property is set to true for all Java calls That…… -
Java: what is jitc’s reflection on inflation?
I recently came across this interesting word and searched on the Internet to learn more However, the information I fou…… -
Java – in Apache POI 3.7, double values are written in numeric cells in a specific format
I need to write a double value in a numeric cell in a specific format. I mean, the generated XLS must have a numeric c…… -
java – Class. Field order returned by getfields()
Class. The Javadoc of getfields () said: "the elements in the returned array are not sorted, and there is no specific …… -
Java – JPA – eclipse link – how to change the default mode
I am using Weblogic and Oracle to program web applications public class MyCustomizer implements SessionCustomizer{ …… -
It’s slower than the sum of Java
This is the case cat sum100000000.cpp && cat #include <cstdio> using namespace std; …… -
Java programming environment: Emacs or eclipse?
I'm new to Java. I need to build a programming environment (edit, compile, test, debug and deploy / make jar files) Th…… -
Java – how do I retrieve the last inserted value in my database?
Anyone can tell me about the query for the last inserted value in the database column The problem is that after using ……