Java – JPA – eclipse link – how to change the default mode
I am using Weblogic and Oracle to program web applications public class MyCustomizer implements SessionCustomizer{ …… -
It’s slower than the sum of Java
This is the case cat sum100000000.cpp && cat #include <cstdio> using namespace std; …… -
Java programming environment: Emacs or eclipse?
I'm new to Java. I need to build a programming environment (edit, compile, test, debug and deploy / make jar files) Th…… -
Java – how do I retrieve the last inserted value in my database?
Anyone can tell me about the query for the last inserted value in the database column The problem is that after using …… -
Java – why do some xhdpi phones only display images in / RES / drawable?
This is a scene There are folders: Drawable LDPI > drawable MDPI > drawable hdpi > drawable xhdpi Images (usu…… -
Java – deserialize immutablelist using gson
I use a lot of immutable collections, and I'm curious about how to deserialize them using gson No one answered. I foun…… -
Multithreading – how do I manage the return values of threads?
I created a class derived from TThread to execute queries in the background I want this class to be separate from the …… -
Multithreading — is it safe to call multiple threads of DLL function in a single application?
I write a server application in Delphi 2009 to realize several types of authentication Each authentication method is s…… -
Java – how can I fail Hudson / Jenkins if the sonar threshold is broken?
I'm using Maven to build my java application. Jenkins provides metrics for CI and sonar At present, I have a construct…… -
Java – docker settings
I'm reading docker today and even trying to run it on vagrant's laptop But I still don't know why, especially how to i…… -
How does Java embed virtual function boundaries?
I am reading some materials to explain whether Java can be faster than C, and I encounter the following quotation: "Ja…… -
Java – get an exit instruction from the library
To my surprise and fear, I just met system Line of exit (1); In the library I use I'm planning to contact the author o…… -
Guava’s immutablelist Is the builder thread safe?
Guava’s ImmutableList. What is the thread security of builder? Javadoc doesn't say Solution Although guava invariant c…… -
Java – why does jodatime and calendar return different results
Why did this test fail: DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(1997,01,00,DateTimeZone.UTC); long jodaMills = dateTime.g…… -
Java – Apache nutch – path problem
I tried to set Apache nutch to grab the URL and follow this guide As an old guide (this guide is 1. X, I use 2.3), I h…… -
Java – jooq and transactions
I've been reading about transactions & jooq, but it's hard for me to see how to implement it in practice Suppose I…… -
Why does Java allow method void with class name and type
There is already an answer to this question: > methods with same name as constructor – why? 7 Example code: //my cl…… -
I'm using GWT 1.5 3. Build database application I use JPA annotations with my objects It seems that the RPC of GWT wor…… -
Java bufferedimage, write to the underlying grid, and the pixels are offset in the final image
Sorry for the thread dead software, I tried to generate a test version, which can be found here…… -
Java – how to effectively use the leaderelection recipe for curators using zookeeper?
I am using the Apache cursor library to conduct leadership elections on zookeeper My application code is deployed in v…… -
Java: how to deal with a lot of fields and their encapsulation?
Suppose my task is to code a role - playing game This means, for example, I want to track a character in a role game a…… -
Java – is there a portable way to have “select first 10 * from t” semantics?
I want to read the data in 10K record blocks from the database I found result limits on Wikipedia. It seems obvious th…… -
Java – references the spring properties file using a path relative to the configuration file
I am moving properties from my spring configuration file to a separate properties file This is included in the configu…… -
Java – converts a string to a header case in JSTL
Is there any way to use JSTL tags to convert strings into header cases? Thank you in advance Solution An alternative t…… -
Java – use ‘valueof’ to retrieve an enumerated throws runtimeException – what is used?
I have the following enumeration enum Animal implements Mammal { CAT,DOG; public static Mammal findMammal(final…… -
Java – references the spring properties file using a path relative to the configuration file
I am moving properties from my spring configuration file to a separate properties file This is included in the configu…… -
java. net. Local file protocol for URL
What is the protocol for local files that use URLs? I have downloaded a file using Java, and I need to know how to acc…… -
Java – write string to CSV file
I tried to write data to a CSV file using Java, but when I tried to open the generated file with Excel, I received an …… -
Java – why are nested blocking annotations generally not allowed?
In most languages I use, you can't nest annotations at all, because "closing" comments. The first occurrence of sintax…… -
Java – Lucene is not a null query?
How do we construct a query to search for specific fields that are not empty field_ Name: * not working I tried field_…… -
java – ClassNotFoundException:org. hibernate. service. jndi. JndiException
I get the following stack trace java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.service.jndi.JndiException…… -
To interleave or interlace two vectors
I want to interleave two vectors of the same pattern and equal length Say: a <- rpois(lambda=3,n=5e5) b <- rpois……