Java – HQL unexpected ast node:
My code cannot be injected into the following repository Based on stack trace, it seems that my HQL syntax is invalid,…… -
Java – how do I refresh Maven dependencies from eclipse?
We recently started using Maven for dependency management Our team uses eclipse as the IDE Is there a simple way to ge…… -
Java – how do I check if NULL is in the stream?
I have a stream < integer > and want to know if there is space in this stream How to check? use. Anymatch (null)…… -
java – Spring Security AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException,SecurityContextHolder. Getcontext is null
I have a strange mistake, a few hours of debugging, I don't understand Update 1: I use spring security 4.0 3. Run on T…… -
Java – how to update the expression datatable in a specific cell
I am creating a dynamic data filled with input fields Sometimes, when a user inserts a value into some input, a specif…… -
Java – Eclipse: hover and disconnect from the debugging Perspective
Due to the upgrade of eclipse (Galileo build 20090920-1017), the value of the variable is no longer displayed in hover…… -
Java – PDF report with embedded HTML
We have a Java based system that can read data from the database, merge various data fields with preset xsl-fo tags, a…… -
Set your own class as the key in Java HashMap
I have a class that I want to set as a key in HashMap I have implemented the CompareTo method of this class But when I…… -
Is time regression enabled in Java 9 EA?
I've heard of it >Each major version of the JVM becomes faster (in some ways) > 9 modularity will lead to faster…… -
Should I manually implement the spring data warehouse method using the Java 8 default method?
When using the new spring data Evans distribution, I'm glad to use some good things to use with Java 8 One is the defa…… -
Java – streaming audio from PC to smartphone?
For Christmas 2016, my father and I want to make a light for our community with lights and music We have light setting…… -
Java – mockito mock object returns null
Hi, I'm trying to implement some tests for my JSF application and mocks. I use mockito (I also use springs) @RunWith(M…… -
Java generic boundary type
Are the following two signatures the same? public static <T> void work(Class<T> type,T instance); and publ…… -
Java – ant: how to compile jars containing source attachments
How to create a jar containing source attachments using ant? Maven did it, but I haven't been vivid since 2003 (well, …… -
Java – if multiple threads are updating the same variable, what should be done to update the variable correctly for each thread?
If multiple threads are updating the same variable, what should I do to update the variable correctly for each thread?…… -
Java – how to inject beans into ApplicationContext before loading from a file?
I have a filesystemxmlapplicationcontext. I want the bean defined in XML as a constructor parameter, a bean that is no…… -
Java expression compilation error
See English answers > why is n + + + n valid while N + + + n is not? one int x=-3; System.out.println(x-----x);…… -
java – Short toHexString
There is a method integer Tohexstring() and long toHexString(). For some reason, they did not implement short toHexStr…… -
Java – save treeviewer state before setinput()
I tried to save the Jface treeviewer extension state to refresh it after calling the setinput () method I tried the se…… -
Java – spring – constructor injects and overrides the parent definition of nested beans
I read the resources for spring 3 in inheriting bean definitions, but I'm confused about what's possible and impossibl…… -
Java – compare and exchange
As the title indicates, I am looking for a comparison and exchange implementation, but it is relatively large: if(newV…… -
Java – how to initialize BigInteger after creating an instance (constructor cannot be called)
Imagine an instance of BigInteger, so how do you initialize it after you create it? For example: BigInteger t = new Bi…… -
Java – interfaces and concrete classes
Below I have a person interface, an implementation class and a driver class, which initializes person with a name and …… -
Java – create a directory, if it does not exist, and then create the files in that directory
The condition is that if a directory exists, you must create files in that specific directory and create a new directo…… -
Using “forbidden” classes in Java?
My employer needs an extension org eclipse. rse. core. subsystems. The Java class of subsystem for eclipse plug - ins …… -
Java – use the super keyword in subclasses to access private fields of superclasses
For coding projects, I have a class that contains nested classes Nested classes subclass in the same external class It…… -
Java – generics and classes Extended enumeration > >, EnumSet. allOf(class)vs class. getEnumConstants()
I have the following beanvalidation code that works properly and allows you to validate a bean annotation with: @EnumV…… -
Java – jcombobox itemstatechanged event is called twice at a time
@H_ 419_ 2@resultCombo = new JCombo@R_611_2419 @(); resultCombo. addItemListener(new ItemListener() { @Override public…… -
Java annotation values are provided dynamically
I want to provide comments for some values generated by some methods I've tried so far public @interface MyInterface {…… -
Java – passing subclass instances as superclasses using JAXB
I have a set of Java classes representing message types (close to 25) They all inherit the message class that they wan…… -
Java – is it OK to add the default implementation to the method representing the listener’s interface?
A library is used in my project This library has an interface with about 15 methods The purpose of this interface is t…… -
Strange default method behavior with different Java versions
Suppose I have the following class hierarchy: interface Collection<E> { Collection<E> $plus(E element)……