Java – streaming audio from PC to smartphone?
For Christmas 2016, my father and I want to make a light for our community with lights and music
We have light settings, but music is a problem We don't want to put huge speakers in our garden because it's very annoying for our densely populated community
So we came up with this concept:
The computer (Windows 7) uses the light-o-rama sequencer to process lights
Now my question is: how to stream audio from PC to smartphone? I can figure out the smartphone terminal myself, but the streaming audio on the PC is the thing here
The solution can be anything! But I can't seem to imagine it! The relevant languages I can do are:
> C > C# > Java > NodeJS > ASP. NET
But it can also be a program that can already be done!
Editor: This is necessary: lights and music must be synchronized! Light dance music
What help! Advance thx!
Editor: in this case, I have given me the most suitable solution, but I don't have time to test all the published solutions I will try each of them and choose the answer as the solution! Please see my comments. There is a reward under the answer! Thx all help!
If you can let everyone download this application: soundwire, you can stream audio from windows to any Android phone (assuming your friends are cool)
It looks cool. You can even stream a YouTube video and get audio synchronized with any Android smartphone