Java – I can’t distribute JAXB closed code?
In It says JAXB's dual license includes CDDL v1 0 and GPL V2; CDDL says: Distribution obligation…… -
Java – using @ viewscoped? In JSF 2.0?
Usage / advantages of using @ viewscoped under @ managedbean in JSF 2.0 Solution @Managedbean just declared that a bea…… -
Java – secure publishing when reading values in a synchronous way
My question relates to the secure publishing of field values in Java (as described here) As far as I know, a field can…… -
Import statement order in Java [closed]
wonder. What is the correct way to import statements? Is there more readability? Yes, >External classes (such as Ja…… -
Java – returns the JSON representation of a string with Jersey
I'm about to set up a rest - Web service with Jersey @GET @Path("user") @Produces( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public …… -
Java – when the onsaveinstancestate() method is called in all cases?
All the information I read mentioned several cases and concluded with "other cases" When calling onSaveInstanceState m…… -
Java – how to use hibernate to validate annotations with enumerations?
How do I use hibernate annotations to validate enumeration member fields? enum UserRole { USER,ADMIN; } class User…… -
Gmail – keytool error: Java Lang. exception: the input is not an X.509 certificate
I am trying to import the gmails SMTP certificate for JIRA, but I receive this error when importing using java keytool…… -
Java – a tool for generating graphical data for class dependencies
Are there any tools that can analyze java source files, build graphics from them, and provide graphics data in some st…… -
Remove duplicates from strings in Java
I tried to traverse a string to remove duplicate characters For example, string aabbccdef should become ABCD EF and st…… -
How to run JavaScript code in server-side java code?
I want to run JavaScript code on the server side I want to manipulate the result returned by JavaScript in JavaScript …… -
System. Exit (0) in Java
I am writing an application using swing I need to exit from the application and click JButton to use system Exit (), o…… -
Haskell: how does TVAR work?
How does TVAR work? From what I can see, it tries to run all transactions as soon as it receives them, but transaction…… -
The equivalent function of Arduino map in Java
Is there a function similar to the map function of Arduino for Java? I need to map a series of values to another value…… -
Java – fix binary search errors from Bentley’s book (programming pearl: writing the right program)
Binary search can be implemented in many ways - recursion, iteration, condition, etc I got this result from Bentley's …… -
Java – dagger 2 trouble @ inject firebasemessagingservice
I recently tried to migrate an application I was working on from GCM to FCM In doing so, I found that I had previously…… -
Java – how do I overload methods in an interface?
If I had this interface public interface someInterface { // method 1 public String getValue(String arg1); // met…… -
Java – how to use jee7 WebSockets to pass parameters to the @ onopen method,
I have this code @ServerEndpoint(value = "/websocket") public class Service { private String clientId; @OnOpe…… -
Accessing jruby script top-level environment variables from Java
j ruby 1.7. 23 (1.9.3p551) 2015-11-24 Java hotspot (TM) 1.7 on 64 bit server virtual machine 0_ 79-b15 jit [Windows 7-…… -
Get the enumeration value as a string list in Java 8
Is there a Java 8 method or a simple method that returns the enumeration value as a string list, such as: List<Stri…… -
Java – resolves the order indicator of the date in the date time string (st, Nd, RD, th)
I checked the simpledateformat Javadoc, but I couldn't find a way to parse the ordinal indicator in such a date format…… -
Java – how to convert HTML to text and keep line breaks
How to convert HTML to text and keep line breaks (generated by elements such as BR, P, DIV) may use nekohtml or any go…… -
java-1.7. What is the difference between 0-openjdk-i386 and java-7-openjdk-i386
When I install NetBeans, it gives me the option to choose the Java environment. I have three options, Oracle Java and …… -
What is Java’s dynamic proxies Net equivalent?
In Java, dynamic proxy can be used to dynamically implement the interface, as shown below: public static <T> T c…… -
javafx – TornadoFX filechooser
I'm looking for a solution for JavaFX filechooser (in kotlin) I insist on this. I can't pass root view because window!…… -
Multithreading – what is the correct way for rust to create timeouts for threads or functions?
This is my code: use std::net; use std::thread; extern crate argparse; use argparse::{ArgumentParser,StoreTrue,Store};…… -
Java – warning “[parameter] parameter: invalid block ignored” published from managed bean
I am opening an httpurlconnection from a managed bean to publish to an external service When I call httpurlconnection …… -
Java – can I create a Workset with an open file in the current editor?
Eclipse can create a new Workset in the current (Java) editor with all files open? As far as I know, the only way is t…… -
Automatic properties documentation for Java applications
Is there a "Javadoc like" tool to configure properties in Java applications? I am currently using a Java application t…… -
Why is the class size compiled by Java 6 larger than that of Java 5?
We notice that when we compile our classes on Java 6, they are always larger than Java 5 I understand that bytecode ha…… -
Java – OSGi vs JBoss hot deployment
According to my understanding, in OSGi, you can update jars at runtime without restarting the server However, JBoss al…… -
Java – socket: BufferedReader readline() block
I use BufferedReader ReadLine () method to read the response of the remote server (written in C, I can't access the so……