Java – fix binary search errors from Bentley’s book (programming pearl: writing the right program)
Binary search can be implemented in many ways - recursion, iteration, condition, etc I got this result from Bentley's iterative implementation of "programming pearl: writing the right program", including an error
public class BinSearch { static int search( int [] A,int K ) { int l = 0; int u = A. length -1; int m; while ( l <= u ) { m = (l+u) /2; if (A[m] < K){ l = m + 1; } else if (A[m] == K){ return m; } else { u = m-1; } } return -1; } }
I found an error in line M = (L U) / 2; It may cause overflow How can this binary search avoid this overflow?
Try the following:
m =(l u)/ 2
m =(u-1)/ 2l
If you consider a very large 2 ^ 31 – 1 element (the maximum value of a signed 32-bit integer), the reason why (L U) / 2 can overflow becomes obvious In this case, the first iteration is good because 2 ^ 31 – 10 is not very large, but consider the case of L = M 1 here In the second iteration, u is still the same and l is 2 ^ 31 / 2, so I will cause overflow
In this way, we avoid adding u by first determining the relative middle position between L and U (u-l) / 2, and then add the lower number L to make it absolute Therefore, during operation, M = (U-1) / 2 L; We never exceed your value
Summarize the complete code:
public class BinSearch { static int search( int [] A,int K ) { int l = 0; int u = A. length -1; int m; while ( l <= u ) { m = (u-l) / 2 + l; if (A[m] < K) l = m + 1; else if (A[m] == K) return m; else u = m - 1; } return -1; } }