What is Java’s dynamic proxies Net equivalent?
In Java, dynamic proxy can be used to dynamically implement the interface, as shown below: public static <T> T c…… -
javafx – TornadoFX filechooser
I'm looking for a solution for JavaFX filechooser (in kotlin) I insist on this. I can't pass root view because window!…… -
Multithreading – what is the correct way for rust to create timeouts for threads or functions?
This is my code: use std::net; use std::thread; extern crate argparse; use argparse::{ArgumentParser,StoreTrue,Store};…… -
Java – warning “[parameter] parameter: invalid block ignored” published from managed bean
I am opening an httpurlconnection from a managed bean to publish to an external service When I call httpurlconnection …… -
Java – can I create a Workset with an open file in the current editor?
Eclipse can create a new Workset in the current (Java) editor with all files open? As far as I know, the only way is t…… -
Automatic properties documentation for Java applications
Is there a "Javadoc like" tool to configure properties in Java applications? I am currently using a Java application t…… -
Why is the class size compiled by Java 6 larger than that of Java 5?
We notice that when we compile our classes on Java 6, they are always larger than Java 5 I understand that bytecode ha…… -
Java – OSGi vs JBoss hot deployment
According to my understanding, in OSGi, you can update jars at runtime without restarting the server However, JBoss al…… -
Java – socket: BufferedReader readline() block
I use BufferedReader ReadLine () method to read the response of the remote server (written in C, I can't access the so…… -
Java large decimal format exception
Why does the following code throw a Java number format exception? BigDecimal d = new BigDecimal("10934,375"); Solution…… -
Java OUTOFMEMORY exception: MMAP error loading zip file
I run my application to produce env (RHEL 5.2 x64, Oracle JRE 1.7_05, Tomcat 7.0.28) and JVM parameters: -Xms8192m -Xm…… -
Java generics, how do you force a superclass to extend to two parameters of a method of the same type?
Suppose I have a class hierarchy as follows: class Vehicle; class Car extends Vehicle; class Plane extends Vehicle; I …… -
Java – how to automatically load database jars in groovy without using the – CP switch?
I want to simplify the execution of groovy scripts to call Oracle databases How to add ojdbc jar to the default classp…… -
Java – Maven incremental build
We currently have a large Maven 2 project, which is a collection of many separate projects with complex dependencies, …… -
Java – overwrite paint or paintcomponent when you need to restore the original state of the drawing
I realized that most of the Java code covered paint or paintcomponent, and most of them did not restore the old state …… -
Java – double quotes in regular expressions
How do I use regular expressions to get strings in double quotes? I have the following string: I want to put the strin…… -
Java – hibernate on Oracle: mapping string attributes to CLOB columns
Warning: please see my own answer below The problem is caused by the addition of 10.2 Caused by an old Oracle driver i…… -
Java – deserialization error handling
My question is simple: I have the following simple classes: public class Foo { private int id = -1; public void …… -
How to use bitpay and Java
I found this post about bitpay, but I don't know how to use it…… -
Source code base in Java
Is there any library in java! Solution There is a porter's dry an on his website -
Java – when should a method throw an interruptedexception, and how should I handle one? (blocking method)
If a method must be a blocking method, do I think correctly if I leave In short: >A blocking method should include …… -
Java – disable WebView links to run on emulators, but not on devices
I want to disable links to the pages I load into WebView objects My code runs perfectly on my simulator using API 25, …… -
Java – how to create an ear file using an ant build that contains a specific file?
I use eclipse to build an ear file using ants I use OC4J and I want to make sure Orion application XML is included in …… -
Java – how to make reusable components in JSF?
I want to have a reusable UI component related to the model For example: >I have a selection menu linked to another…… -
Java nested inner classes access external class variables
Can nested inner classes abar and bbar access variables of the main class? For example: public class Foo { public …… -
Java – stop horizontal scrolling in jtextarea
I want to add a jtextarea to an application Typically, textarea contains a lot of content and displays horizontal and …… -
Java – hashcode and equals are collections unmodifiableCollection()
Collections class has some static help methods to provide read-only views of various collection types, such as unmodif…… -
. Net – f#int.maxvalue is “not a valid constant expression”, but system Int32. What is maxvalue?
TL; Dr: the f# compiler interprets int as int operator in this context, such as determined by Eugene fotin and expande…… -
Java – what is the best free plug-in for eclipse that allows formatting / indenting / cleaning JSP code?
I know IntelliJ has an option to select all the code in the JSP file, right-click and select format This formats all H…… -
Java – handshake failure – supernatural closing error when debugging Solr in Intellij
So I'm going to debug my Solr filter plug-in on IntelliJ Community Edition Then I run the program from the comand prom…… -
Serialize Java objects into Java code?
Is there an implementation that serializes Java objects into Java code? For example, if I have an object Map<String…… -
Java – why doesn’t guava provide a way to convert map keys
This question has been posted here: I think collind's answer is appropriate: This is true, but actually I don't unders……