Java – how to reschedule tasks using scheduledexecutorservice?
I saw this in Java docs: scheduledatfixedrate I don't want this to happen in my application Even if I see an exception…… -
Java – why is setname in the thread class assigned to a character array? Why not a string?
When I deal with the thread concept in Java, I have seen thread Java source file I noticed that the setname () method …… -
Java – which eclipse files are excluded from subversion repo
As a development team, we always like subversion and solar eclipse. We checked everything and everything was fine Unti…… -
Java – addfirst method of arraydeque class
java. util. The code for the addfirst method in the arraydeque class is public void addFirst(E e) { if (e == null)…… -
Java – an instance of an abstract class
See English answer > interview: can we instantiate abstract class? 15 public abstract class AbstractClassCreationTe…… -
How to pronounce “J2EE” or “Java EE”
For all those J2EE / Java EE developers, when talking to people in the real world, you will say or or or Or something …… -
Java – how to implement concurrent HashMap using the functions in LinkedHashMap?
I have used LinkedHashMap and accessorder true, and allow up to 500 entries to be used as LRU cache of data at any tim…… -
Java – jmockit failed through agentinitializationexception: the agent jar was loaded but the agent failed to initialize
I'm developing a plug - in for eclipse Kepler Adding @ runwith (jmockit. Class) to my test class will cause the follow…… -
Java – firebase cannot find the property serialized with the object in publishing mode
I wrote a method to push real-time location data to firebase: private void writeNewMarker(int sessionType,String myUui…… -
Java – the best way to avoid duplicate code if two classes extend different classes
I'm developing an Android project and I'm facing this situation I have two classes: class A extends B { openDoor(){ /…… -
Java – cannot use multiple ebean databases in play 2
We are using play framework 2.0 3 set up a slightly complex project We need to access several databases (pre-existing)…… -
Java – view the cache of headers and footers in the list view
You can add a list view to a header and footer view Cache these views? edit Consider a layout of such content (essenti…… -
Should I use playback framework or normal Java EE
I plan to launch a website that I will use commercially I've heard of the play framework recently. It looks good But I…… -
Java instantiation
>When an object is instantiated in Java, what really enters memory? I understand the usual Abstract explanation for…… -
Java – spring boot swagger custom swagger UI html
I encountered a problem migrating the war application to the spring boot jar application I am using spring boot 1.4 1 …… -
Calculate the distance between two vectors of different lengths
There are different ways to calculate the distance between two vectors of the same length: Euclid, Manhattan, Hamming …… -
Java – change the child order of SWT composite
In my case, I have two sashform children, but the problem applies to all composites class MainWindow { Sashform sa…… -
Should spring management be “everything” in Java – spring applications?
We are developing a new application and we want to use spring (University project!) When writing a new spring applicat…… -
Java execution process – Rewriting methods execute first than constructors
I have the following code in the same java file import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import; public class …… -
Java – where does velocity search for templates?
I need to use velocity from Java code in my web application (I use it as a mail template processor) So I have a standa…… -
Java – use bitwise and in if statements
In C, I can write an IF statement if (firstInt & 1) But when I try to perform the same operation in Java, the comp…… -
What is the meaning of the question mark in angle brackets? Extend Java lang.Comparable>
In the App Engine, according to the Javadoc, the gettyperank method has this signature: public static int getTypeRank(…… -
Java – how to print a long type value using the input size modifier?
This is basically what I want to do // ... some code,calculations,what have you ... long timeToAdd = returnTimeToAddIn…… -
Connect some in Java Txt file [closed]
I have some Txt file I want to connect them and generate a text file How will I execute in Java? file1.txt file2.txt C…… -
Why is timeunit Java util. Members of concurrent?
Java's timeunit enumeration is useful for many different tasks related to time, not just concurrency; And other time r…… -
Get string size in Java (no graphics object available)
I'm trying to write an application that needs to draw many strings using the graphics2d class in Java I need to get th…… -
Java – code object o = true? New integer (0): new long (1) returns long with a value of 0 Why?
See the English answer > java conditional operator?: Result type5 Object obj = true ? new Integer(0) : new Long(1);…… -
How to get datasource or connection from JPA2 entitymanager in Java EE 6
I have a working application that I use Java EE 6 with eclipse link persistence and a PostgreSQL database For user reg…… -
Java – JPA onetoone bidirectional
I have two entity classes with @ onetoone relationships The example code is as follows: public class A { @Id private i…… -
Java – how to redirect AWS SDK log output
Even if I'm using logback and configuring it, I keep getting stdout I can't get AWS out of the console Jun 19,2014 3:4…… -
Create Java Native methods for constructors
I'm writing a program in Java. I want to create a native interface for the library written in C But I'm confused about…… -
Close resultset in Java 7
See English answers > must JDBC resultsets and statements be closed separately although the connection is closed af……