java. Lang.illegalstateexception: cannot perform this operation after onsaveinstancestate: – fragment error
Hi, I use segment a and the second segment B. call B and use the asynctask method, but I use this first time, it works…… -
What’s the difference between Java’s equals () and C’s operator = =?
When a question regulating the use of typeID is C, I suggest it can be used to compare types in objects I don't see it…… -
Java – does explicit locking automatically provide memory visibility?
Example code: class Sample{ private int v; public void setV(){ Lock a=new Lock(); a.lock(); …… -
Java – using maven, OSGi, and bndtools
Today, I was asked that using Maven in our current OSGi application is a good idea We use bndtools and it's great beca…… -
How do I check the number of threads currently running in Java?
I'm looking for a way to see how many threads are currently running >First > programmatically via windows Soluti…… -
Java – who defines state transitions in state patterns?
I understand that the state pattern can be used to simulate objects that change behavior according to States and vario…… -
Java – how to use hibernate to insert data as soon as possible
I read the file and create an object from it and store it in the PostgreSQL database My file has 100000 files. I read …… -
Using JavaFX application. On the shutdown hook Stop() method
So I use shutdown hooks for cleaning, because it does not always guarantee the execution of the shutdown hooks thread.…… -
Java – softreference collects garbage too early
I am implementing a caching mechanism for my Android application@ H_ 404_ 2 @ I use softreference, just like many exam…… -
Java – sets the ideal size of the thread pool
See English answers > performance issues with newfixedthreadpool vs newsinglethreadexecutior1 newSingleThreadExecut…… -
JavaFX in enterprise web applications – a good alternative to traditional web pages?
We have developed several web applications for different customers, from a simple and boring crud style GUI to a favor…… -
Reading HTML files into DOM trees using java
Is there a parser / library that can read HTML documents into DOM trees using Java? I want to use the standard DOM / X…… -
Java – where to call public static void main?
I just want to know where our main methods are called Solution It is specified in the Java language specification, 12.…… -
Java – what is the best practice when implementing equals () with entities that generate IDS?
If I have a table a, B, C, D Now, if I'm going to create a business object based on this table (for example, in Java),…… -
Java – weave yourself into a corner
We have a set of classes derived from a set of common interfaces IFoo-> BasicFoo,ReverseFoo,ForwardFoo IBar -> U…… -
Java – can I register a receiver in a test case?
I want to test whether the alarm programmed with AlarmManager is triggered in the unit test. If so, it will be trigger…… -
Java – how to call super (…) and this (…) in the case of overloaded constructors?
I never needed to do this before, but since both must be the "first line" in the constructor, what should I do with it…… -
java – Cron Job in play framework 2.0
How to schedule tasks in play framework 2.0 through cron expressions? Equivalent to @ on ("< enter cron expression …… -
Java – the usual hibernate performance trap
We have just finished configuring our application She's starting to slow down This is a legacy mapping Who works, do t…… -
Do a “memory dump” Java application?
I have Java applications that unfortunately start consuming considerable memory after a period of time To complicate t…… -
Java – where do I sort?
I have a database, I query, I don't know where to perform the sorting of results, so far, I have the following options…… -
Reflection – Java 8 – invalid constant type
I have a problem with the reflections library Dependency and in POM Build in XML <dependency> <groupI…… -
How to eliminate the gap between large Java Swing Tags
In my application, I have a label with a font size of more than 200 This label contains large up and down (irregular) …… -
Java – configure spring security to use custompasswordauthenticationfilter
I have implemented my own lowercaseusernamepasswordauthenticationfilter, which is just a subclass of usernamepassworda…… -
Java: socket read timeout exception
I tried to call a very heavy process When I execute this process, I set a ridiculously large number of timeout times: …… -
Java syntax sugar
I came across this code block today. I don't know how it works I know how to do anonymous classes, but I'm used to see…… -
Java – how to convert string arrays to objects using gson / JSON?
I have a JSON like this: [ [ "Passport Number","NATIONALITY","REASONS" ],[ "SHAIS100","INDIA","" ],[ …… -
Can I use two Java classes with the same name and the same package?
Can I import and use two different classes with the same name and package in Java? For example, suppose I have two cla…… -
Java – how to use in Net?
Lucene is a good search engine, but Net version is the official JAVA version (the latest stable. Net version is 2.0, b…… -
Java Double vs double:class type vs primitive type
I'm curious about the performance difference between Java classes and primitive types So I created a small benchmark a…… -
How to get the source code of web pages from Java
See English answers > How do you programmatically download a web page in java8 >…… -
Java – thread exit and uncapped exception: no stack trace
My application is causing a forced shutdown somewhere instead of using the usual (and very informative) stack trace in……