Java – how to delete XML version strings from strings
I've read the XML file and used the code given below – String XmlString = ""; String resourcePath=FilePathHelper.get…… -
Pure Java text interface for roguelike games
OK, that sounds like a crazy idea - but I'm interested in emulating the 1980s style roguelike game text interface in p…… -
How to override the toString method of ArrayList in Java?
I want to use the toString () method for ArrayList in Java However, even if I add such toString () to the class contai…… -
Compiler construction – will different JDK updates produce different Java bytecodes?
Scenario: I have a project whose source compliance level is specified as 1.5 Now I compile this project with two diffe…… -
How are enumerations internally represented in Java?
Java enumerations are classes They are compiled into classes How does the following example compile? What is "class"? …… -
Can Java applications detect whether the debugger is attached?
I know that the (JVM) startup option lets the JVM wait until the debugger is connected - that's not what I mean Can I …… -
Java – jax-rs Jackson Jason provider date format problem
Wrt found the following problems: Jersey + Jackson JSON date format serialization – how to change the format or use cu…… -
Java – spring and Hibernate suddenly set transactions to read-only
We have one in JBoss 4.2 3, using spring 2.5 2 and Hibernate 3.2 This is running on Linux jee01 2.6 16.60-0.54. …… -
Java – Convert integer list to int array
See English answers > how to convert list < integer > to int [] in Java? 17 Solution I believe you can find s…… -
Java – break down work into multiple threads
I have the following problems: for performance reasons, I need to split work across multiple threads, but I don't know…… -
Java7 watchservice – how to detect renaming / moving of the actual monitoring directory
I am using watchservice to synchronize data files with the application workbench When I rename / move a monitored dire…… -
Connect mongodb created in mongolab through Java application
I created a mongodb instance in Mongolian mongodb://<dbuser>:<dbpassword>…… -
. Net – number of CLR and GC instances running on the machine?
I created 2 Net application and running on one machine – how many CLRs and GC will there be? Also: I want to have some…… -
Java – akka: how to schedule retry failures when the delay interval is extended?
What is a good way for an actor to try again and fail, but the time interval between retries is getting longer and lon…… -
Change the default button in Java to make it look better
I tried to imitate the default Windows XP simple calculator When I change the background color of buttons in Java, it …… -
Type safe flattening of nested sets / structures in Java
I want to smooth the collection / structure of some T-class elements nested arbitrarily deep in Java >Only live vie…… -
Java: return class (not an instance)
Can I return a class as a static method? I'll explain I have: public class A { public static void blah(){} } public cl…… -
Java – why is meta-inf called meta-inf?
I'm trying to explain the basic principles of web applications I encountered this problem on Meta - inf and Web - inf …… -
Parsing Facebook signed using java_ Request will return malformed JSON
I'm trying to parse Facebook signed in dopost of java servlet_ request. I use Base64 of Commons - codec - 1.3 to decod…… -
Java – supersymmetric line algorithm?
In a special case, I need to generate supersymmetric lines or rays in the 2D grid in the order from (x0, Y0) to (x1, Y…… -
Java – matching wildcards are strict, but declarations cannot be found for elements
I'm using springsource Tools Suite 3 and trying to intercept Servlet's context In XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding=…… -
Java – spring starts MVC: JSP not found
Problem: I can't reach my point under WEB-INF / JSP of my spring boot web MVC application What did I do? This is my js…… -
How to return a boolean method in Java?
I need help on how to return a boolean method in Java Here is the sample code: public boolean verifyPwd(){ if …… -
Java – Maximum traversal cost in matrix using dynamic programming
Suppose I have an M x n matrix in Java I want to find the maximum traversal cost from the first column to the last col…… -
Java – symmetric key encryption algorithm
I am looking for a secure symmetric key encryption algorithm compatible with JavaScript and Java I've tried to impleme…… -
Java language recognition
Is there open source java language recognition? Only for C / C UPD: I'm talking about human text language Example: My…… -
Java library for text normalization
I'm looking for a Java library that allows text normalization Similar to normalizer, but wider (something like utf8pro…… -
Java map, key = class, value = instance of the class
I don't know what I want to do is possible, but if so, I want to know how Basically, I want to create a map, where key…… -
Java – is hashing a suitable solution? Am I overly complicated?
I wrote a 2D platform game. I need room (up to 4) doors I write it in Java, but the language doesn't matter Each room …… -
Java iteration on a keyset
I have the following java code: public void myMethod (final Map pFeatureGroupsFromPackage) { final Set<String&g…… -
Java – weighted fast joint path compression algorithm
There is a "weighted fast joint path compression" algorithm code: public class WeightedQU { private int[] id; ……