Java – JSON does not contain properties of nested objects
I have the following courses: public class Container { private String name; private Data data; } public class…… -
Java – why does a program compile for me, but not for another person?
My code is as follows. It's good for me, but my professor said he was receiving an error because few variables in my c…… -
Java – Cyrillic characters are not displayed in Jasper Report PDF
I tried to display Ukranian characters as PDF files in Jasper reports But it is not belittled in PDF format When I exp…… -
Java – can I get an enumeration based on the value of its field?
I want to get a specific enumeration based on its field value Enumeration: public enum CrimeCategory { ASBO ("Anti…… -
Java – find override method
In eclipse, what methods can you find now to override method declarations? Scenario: when I view a method in the base …… -
javax. Validation value list?
Is there any way to use javax Validation to validate variables of color type that need to use only the values of comme…… -
Java – how to add jtextfield to the menubar of JFrame?
I've been trying to reload JMenu and put some custom code to support jtextfield, but it's not going well My main goal …… -
What is the optimal thread pool size for simple java programs to run CPU based tasks
I use thread pool to execute tasks, which is mainly based on a little I / O of CPU, Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runti…… -
Java property object to string
I have a Java property object that I load from a string in memory, which was previously from the actual The properties…… -
Dependency libraries on Java JNI and windows
Long story short: I have an executable jar whose call depends on lib JNI. DLL dll. And I got such a bad unsatisfied li…… -
Java – from system What is the worst resolution that nanotime can expect?
I'm writing software that requires microsecond resolution or better timestamps I'm planning to use system Currenttimem…… -
Is there a Java map keyset () equivalent to C’s STD:: map?
Is there a @ l_ 404_ 0 @ map keyset() is equivalent to C's STD:: map? The Java keyset() method returns "a set view of …… -
How to create SQL from Java Get the name of the day from the timestamp object?
How to start Java SQL from Monday and Tuesday Get the name of the day in the timestamp object? Solution You will use J…… -
Set Java Date object from notes datetime object
Manipulating the date will bring me some problems I created some java code that reads the document from the Notes data…… -
Java exec() does not return the expected result of the pipe connect command
I'm calling a command line program connected through a pipe All of these can run on Linux My approach: protected Strin…… -
Using JPA in WebSphere to select all rows from the database
I try to implement a web service that uses open JPA to access the data layer I use WebSphere v7.0 0 and JPA 2.0 This s…… -
Java synchronization is based on parameters
I am looking for a way to synchronize the method based on the received parameters, as follows: public synchronized voi…… -
Can I remove generic type parameters from object constructors in Java?
In Java, you must write: Pair<String,String> pair = new Pair<String,String>("one","two"); It would be nice…… -
Java – using the interactive console (debug view) in eclipse
Some threads [1] ask how to use the interactive console in eclipse because you cannot enter anything in this console I…… -
Java – why use J_ Username and spring_ SECURITY_ LAST_ Username variable?
Why do things turn out like this? <input type="text" name="j_username" value="${SPRING_Security_LAST_USERNAME}">…… -
Java series reel to disk
Because some very large lists and collections are built during a transaction, I ran out of memory in Java and repeated…… -
Java – how to add a JDBC MySQL driver to an eclipse project?
There is already an answer to this question: > how to install jdbc driver in eclipse web project without facing Jav…… -
Java – does pdfbox support spot color and color separation?
I am interested in using it in the project PDF@R_635_2419 @, the project needs to be able to specify spot color and co…… -
Java – collect Linux command output
I'm on a @ L_ 404_ 0 @ on the machine I have a java program that will run some linux commands, such as PS, top, list o…… -
Java – how do I get a custom space between JList projects?
I've added several images to my JList, and now I'm showing their level. Now I want to increase the space between the i…… -
java – System. Out character encoding
I run my java program from the command line (Windows 7) To simplify matters, I will only describe the relevant parts p…… -
Java – is the constructor not a member of a class?
Constructor is not a member of class? If so, why not inherit? JLS 7.0 says that constructors are not members, so they …… -
Ultra lightweight Java persistence layer needs
I need a super lightweight persistence layer for the Java application I'm writing I need it to become a stand-alone ap…… -
Java – how does method parsing and invocation work inside Python?
How do method calls work in Python? Indeed, python method parsing in Python may be slower than Java What is late bindi…… -
Calling Java functions from clojure
I can use (. Touppercase "good") because "good" is a Java string that has a touppercase method I can also use (Java. I…… -
Java – PostgreSQL error: undeclared due to user request
What causes this error in PostgreSQL? org.postgresql.util.PsqlException: ERROR: canceling statement due to user reques…… -
Java – detect mouse movement on the screen
I created a mousemotiondetection class, which just detects whether the user has moved the mouse anywhere on the screen……