Java – which implementation is better: a cache based on weakhashmap or a cache based on ThreadLocal?
It's hard for me to decide between the following two implementations I have written two POC implementations and am gla…… -
Java – can class types be passed and used as return types?
I have a method to use the parser. The example of parser call is: SpecificClass ret = parser.parse(getOutputStream(),S…… -
How to interrupt a thread blocked by some socket IO operations without closing
I really want to know how to interrupt a thread blocked by some I / O operation? I / O is through socket, I don't want…… -
Array. In Java What is the internal code for length()?
What is stored in the 10th position of the array int[] array=new int[10]; Suppose we have values stored from array [0]…… -
Java – wait () is an “if” block or a “while” block
See English answers > why should wait() always be called inside a loop I've seen many examples of using a while loo…… -
Java – coding guide for case of numeric text suffix
I did some Googling, but I couldn't find a solution to my problem According to the double and float declarations, are …… -
In Java, is it an existing object on the heap?
In Java, is it an existing object on the heap? I try to understand the difference between an uninitialized local varia…… -
Java – calculate occurrences in Multimap
I have a Multimap with multiple similar values: {Entertainment=[5],Food=[2,2,2],Products=[11],Health & Beauty=[3]}…… -
Does the Java optimizer remember calculated values?
Which fizzbuzz implementation is more efficient? public static void fizzBuzz1(int n) { boolean fizzed,buzz…… -
Is there a detect method from Smalltalk in Java?
I search for method detection in Java 8 I used to use it in Smalltalk, but Java doesn't seem to have it Smalltalk's de…… -
Need help understanding the following Java syntax
public void printPixelARGB(int pixel){ public void printPixelARGB(int pixel){ int alpha = (pixel >> 24) & …… -
Java: what is the correct way to convert a string to a valid amount (BigDecimal)
I must convert the incoming string field to a BigDecimal field representing a valid amount, for example: String amount…… -
Java – use Spock JUnit test and gradle to build the system and output unit test results on the console
GNU Emacs 24.3.1 GNU Emacs 24.3.1 Gradle 1.12 spock-core.0.7 Hello, I am using gradle to build the system and Spock fr…… -
Why doesn’t my java code execute system out. println?
I'm using the NetBeans IDE and it doesn't detect any errors I'm just curious why this code didn't execute For referenc…… -
Java – a replacement for an existing school assignment
I have a school assignment that includes writing a scanner / lexical analyzer for a given simple language The scanner …… -
Java – Android – error connecting using login URI
I'm trying to connect Google spreadsheets in my code It worked for some time, but recently it stopped working 06-01 17…… -
Java – I can’t start the timer twice
I'm making a timer in Java. I need help The main class adds a swing timer I have a JFrame with two panels, one has jla…… -
Java – invalid or corrupt jarfile / usr / local / bin / selenium-server-standalone-2.38 0.jar
I tried to master unittesting and began to focus on this nettuts tutorial In this tutorial, it lets you download a jav…… -
Java – Dao and service layer in spring: session management
Do I correctly understand Dao & amp; Principle of service layer interconnection? The service layer uses the DAO ob…… -
24 hours in simpledateformat() and milliseconds in Java
I'm building a DAQ software, and now I'm creating a log file I want to display the time on each item A simple code (un…… -
Java – how to perform ant path mapping in the ‘War’ task?
I have several jar file schema sets, such as <patternset id="common.jars"> <include name="external/castor-1.…… -
How to determine whether there are available threads in the thread pool in Java
I try to get the task queue from the database table as quickly as possible, while limiting the number of threads proce…… -
java. Lang. illegalaccessexception: is it related to the public / private attribute of the class?
The following error occurred in my java code: java.lang.illegalaccessexception: Class org.apache.commons.digester.Obje…… -
Java – understand the terms “extension”, “component” and “plug-in” in XMPP?
Can anyone explain different "extensions", "components" and "plug-ins" in XMPP? Solution Protocol extension, component…… -
Java – why do derived class constructors always access base class constructors?
I saw this problem in a problem paper: Why do derived class constructors always access base class constructors? I wond…… -
What does javac – version show?
Even official documentation of javac Solution Javac - version tells you the JDK version That is, it provides informati…… -
Java is equivalent to Python’s string lstrip()?
I want to remove leading spaces from the string, but not trailing spaces - so trim () won't work I use lstrip () in Py…… -
Java thread, what is its answer?
The problem is from start No problem - 20 What is the outpu…… -
Java – how does Tomcat recognize servlets specified with annotations?
Before servlet 3.0, you need to provide URL patterns and servlet classes in web Configure servlet. XML Whenever a requ…… -
Is memory allocated for unused fields in Java?
I want to know how memory allocation works in Java I have a class duck with two instance variables int size and string…… -
Java – how to check that we use Oracle 8i database in JDBC?
In JDBC, how to check that we are using Oracle 8i database? Solution Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnecti…… -
Java – if I call a static method, does the constructor run
I have a class named tile with a static method public static buffered image grass(). The class also has a constructor ……