How to use mockito to simulate a for loop
I'm new to mockito My question is how to use mockito to simulate a for loop? For eg: This is the main class: import ja…… -
Java – intentional Android contact information update?
I can use putextra to transfer information as additional data to create a new contact with intent. Can I use informati…… -
How to implement (x POW y) in Java, where x and y are double?
I want to calculate the power of X, y, x, y are double values Why did Java give me a compilation error? What is the be…… -
Get the location from the execution location of the Java code
I have a swing Java application that can save a lot of data (for example, you can consider games and their saving) The…… -
Does Java’s split overwrite the length of the array, even if it is pre initialized?
String [] arr = {" "," "," "}; // String arr = new String[4]; String [] arr = {" "," "," "}; // String arr = new Str…… -
Java: Refactoring static constants
We are refactoring some code We developed a feature in one project and we want to use it in other projects We are extr…… -
Java – calling the run method directly is not a good practice
In most cases, I want to run a piece of code in a new thread, which will take some time, but in some cases, I want to …… -
ORM – primary key – native, sequence or GUID key?
When I read this and this, and then read this (which ironically quotes the other two), I found that I wanted to know h…… -
wsgen vs java2wsdl
What is the difference between wsgen and Java2 WSDL tools? Solution The main purpose of wsgen in Jax - WS RI is to gen…… -
Java – how to attach a byte [] to a list?
How to attach the element of byte [] to list < byte >? Solution With guava, you can use bytes like this asList(b…… -
GWT: how to pass Java arrays to JavaScript native methods?
I have a string array, and now I want to pass it to the jsni function I tried to use jsarraystring in GWT, but I found…… -
Java – how to get the URL of the client
I will request from display JSP to trialshow JSP page, but whenever I call ${pageContext.request.requestURL} on TrialS…… -
Java – automatically in ‘system out. Display date in println() ‘statement
I know that every line you print can be marked with a date (and saved as a log file) For example, in minecraft: [16:21…… -
Java – swingworker – we can call a swingworker from another swingworker instead of EDT
I have a swingworker as follows: public class MainWorker extends SwingWorker(Void,MyObject) { : : } I called t…… -
java. net. Unknownhostexception: Test: Test: unknown error failed to get the local InetAddress of VMID
I'm in spring-jersey 1 C 3p0 is used for connection pooling in restful web services When I started the application, I …… -
Java – store multiple values in the mapping of a single key
I have the following name in C: ght Txt, which contains the following data Id|ytr|yts 1|W|T 2|W|T 3|W|T The problem no…… -
Java – develop a simple ORM
I want to develop a simple ORM that performs crud functions Shold, do I use reflection? Solution Yes, hibernate uses r…… -
Java – JSF – session scope beans shared by browsers on different machines
We have a search form where filters are bound to properties on managed beans (session scope) It is not a component bin…… -
Java – JAXB unmarshalling error: expected element is < {} root >
I'm reusing existing objects generated elsewhere to ungroup XML data in the form of string types Object: /* 3: */ i…… -
Java string matching problem
I face a very basic problem Sometimes small things can take a whole day:( I try to match 2 strings, and if it matches…… -
Java – how does OS X recognize a drive letter?
I Know. Heresy But I'm in trouble I have many configuration files that use absolute pathnames, which will cause incomp…… -
How to hide bean types in sneakyaml
This code will output: (yaml) — !! org. test. bean. Person Address: 4011 16th ave s ….. You can hide my bean type (org…… -
Java – use jtextfield – cannot convert value to int
I want to start from JCombo@R_333_2419 @Get the selected value in, search for it in the database, and update the quant…… -
java – BufferUnderflowException? here?
I am writing a small UDP server in Java When the server receives a command ('get_video '), it reads a file ('video. Ra…… -
Java – how to implement list, set and map in null free design?
In most cases, it's great when you can return null / empty objects to avoid null values, but what about collections li…… -
Can the terms’ variable ‘and’ field ‘be used interchangeably in Java?
When learning java with several books, no one seems to be able to say when to use which term Variables are defined in …… -
Java – using import some directory.* Worse performance?
What is better performance use import*; or import; Or is there no performan…… -
Previous entry iterator – Java [copy]
See English answer > iterator has next() – is there a way to get the previous element instead of the next one? 10 I…… -
Java – displays a list of strings in Android
I started developing for Android yesterday, so I'm a complete novice I try to use listview, but I can't even see the v…… -
In R, the character vector is divided according to specific characters; Save the 3rd piece in the new vector
I have a 'AAA'_ 9999_ Data vector in the form of 1 ', in which the first part is alpha location code, the second part …… -
Java – requires a visually pleasing UML diagram tool
I've been looking for different tools to create UML diagrams for my java applications My professor uses omnigraffle, b…… -
Java. Jar when running Java – jar lang.ClassNotFoundException
I'm using ant to build my build XML file, which is compiled, but when the generated jar is run through "Java - jar my_……