Java – too many garbage collection threads
I'm using java to develop software that creates a thread when receiving events (from sensors) The lifetime of these th…… -
Java – internal static class field visibility
I have two classes, as follows public class A{ private static class B{ private static int s1; private static …… -
Java – test greenmail without installing an SMTP server
I'm trying to use greenmail to test the email function on my localhost The problem is that I don't have an SMTP server…… -
Java regular expressions remove SQL comments from strings
I hope someone can help me solve this problem! I have an SQL file that looks like this: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS use…… -
The try catch block cannot suppress Java lang.NullPointerException
I got Java Lang.nullpointerexception, I don't know why I tried to use the try catch block, but it didn't work Can anyo…… -
Java – the code is compiled in eclipse, but not from the command prompt
The following code has no problem compiling in eclipse using JDK7 (I use update 10, but it should be used with any ver…… -
Java – find the nth prime
I wrote the following code to find the nth prime Can this improve time complexity? Description: ArrayList arr stores c…… -
java. Lang.illegalstateexception: unable to retrieve entitymanagerfactory of unitname crudpu
I need to test for my new job, but it seems that I'm in a coma JDBC / crudds has been configured on the server, Ping s…… -
Java – displays a list of strings in Android
I started developing for Android yesterday, so I'm a complete novice I try to use listview, but I can't even see the v…… -
In R, the character vector is divided according to specific characters; Save the 3rd piece in the new vector
I have a 'AAA'_ 9999_ Data vector in the form of 1 ', in which the first part is alpha location code, the second part …… -
Java – requires a visually pleasing UML diagram tool
I've been looking for different tools to create UML diagrams for my java applications My professor uses omnigraffle, b…… -
Java. Jar when running Java – jar lang.ClassNotFoundException
I'm using ant to build my build XML file, which is compiled, but when the generated jar is run through "Java - jar my_…… -
Java – when to merge code duplicates
We use the code static analysis tool (sonar) to detect duplicate code in the project It seems that there are many repe…… -
ORM – laravel 4: eager to load
I have a table called userwords with a word in it_ ID column, which I want to use to get rows from the words table and…… -
Java – jtextpane prevents scrolling in the parent JScrollPane
I have the following "tree" objects: JPanel JScrollPane JPanel JPanel JScrollP…… -
Support covariant type conversion in Java
The Java type system only supports immutable types So list < string > is not list < Object > The list <…… -
Java – Destroy () or finalize () is called first in the servlet?
In servlet, call destroy () before or after finalize (). Solution First call destroy() Servlet container will call des…… -
Java – how to implement some if then logic using JSF and facelets?
I have a bean with live state Depending on the status value, different CSS classes should be applied to render it So I…… -
Java – swing: pass values back to the UI from a predetermined thread
I have a java system tray UI and need a scheduled database polling What is the best way to generate a new thread and n…… -
How to include the text of a file in Java code?
It seems that Java is not what I used to do in C (there's no big surprise) I have a set of rules generated from anothe…… -
Java – can Maven re sign dependencies?
I'm using maven jarsigner plugin to sign my shadow super can I really need to distribute some dependencies in my jars …… -
Java – how to set the correct last modified header value for spring Web Services cached using spring cache?
I have a spring MVC controller: @Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/user") public class UserController { ..... …… -
Is there a “noreturn” keyword in Java
Sometimes I want to write an error () function, which will eventually call system Exit(), which means that this functi…… -
Java – send commands between two computers over the Internet
I want to use any computer connected to the Internet at home to control my computer (and the USB device connected to t…… -
Java – get POM. From commandline XML attribute
I am currently writing a script for our gitlab Ci, which will automatically upload files to the nfsshare folder on the…… -
Java – detect jdialog resizing
How do I detect when jdialog resizes? (windowlistener was my guess, but there seems to be no resized event handler.) S…… -
Java – what’s the difference between wrapping alfresco extensions as AMP and jar?
I want to understand the consequences of packaging alfresco extensions as jars rather than as amps I'm building alfesc…… -
Java parentheses flip string
How do I replace a string so that "(" becomes ")" and ")" becomes "("? Solution use. Replace (), but if you replace) (…… -
Java – how to change the JFrame content to the corresponding click?
I am using java to develop a simple desktop application There is a menu bar. When the user clicks menu item 1, the con…… -
How to disable all network connections in Java
Is there any way to run Java VM (Java. Exe) on Windows Server 2008 and disable all network connections using command l…… -
Java – J2EE: Singleton vs saving things in a session
When should I keep an object (that is, an application wide property file) in the session instead of creating a singlet…… -
Java – how to find the maximum value in a binary tree
I have to complete the method maxelem (node) in this way, and the method maxelem () returns the maximum value containe……