How to include the text of a file in Java code?
It seems that Java is not what I used to do in C (there's no big surprise) I have a set of rules generated from another application (a series of if then checks) These rules change from time to time, so in C, I will do this:
double variableForRules=1; bool condition=false; #include "rules.out"; if(condition) //do something
In essence, rules The if then check in out will use "variableforrules" (and several other variables) to determine whether the condition should be set to true If it is set to true after the rule evaluation, the program will perform some actions
Is there a similar method in Java? Or is it my only choice to use rules Out is actually an entire class that needs to be instantiated, and so on?
thank you!
Because you are automatically generating rules Out, so you can also automatically generate Java functions I hope adding this feature won't be too painful