java – spring data redis master slave config
Here is my jedis configuration @Bean public JedisConnectionFactory getJedisConnectionFactory() { JedisConnectionFa…… -
Java – analog type conversion object
I have a simple method in the bean to handle cell editing events in the primefaces data table The method is as follows…… -
Java – loop for checking the list of items in selenium webdriver
I have written the code for the check list web element below, but the following code is running, but only the first it…… -
Java – heap space issues outside the NetBeans IDE
Editor: I finally made a combination of two suggested answers, so I answered my own question, which is accepted below.…… -
JavaFX and network
I am a novice in socket and network programming. This is my attempt to create a simple chat server. My code seems to h…… -
Java – the following code runs successfully. Does that mean we can start the thread twice?
The following code runs successfully. Does that mean we can start the thread twice? public class enu extends Thread { …… -
Java – Maven surefire permgen out of space
Many methods were tried to increase the size of permgen, but there was no luck I use the following configuration in my…… -
Java – upload files using HTTP handler
I'm trying to upload files (Multi - part form data) using HTTP handler WebKit boundary is writing to the target file, …… -
Fill HUD with Java
I decided to use the above image to make HUD, but I don't know what command to use in Java, because I can fill the upp…… -
Java – array index exceeds binding error when splitting string
Someone can help me find the following code problem: it always gives me one: code Solution . Is a special character in…… -
Simple ArrayList program – Java
I am trying to solve this problem: For some reason, the part I tried to get the lowest and highest scores didn't work …… -
Java – how to write a small benchmark for GetBytes in jmh?
I'm new to jmh and benchmarking I have written a small test of the public byte [] GetBytes (string charsetname) method…… -
Java – how do I resolve an IP address or host name that contains alpha characters?
I tried to separate two different types of strings, IP address and DNS address I can't figure out how to split it My i…… -
How does this filter apply in Java 8?
First of all, I apologize for the title of the problem. I can't think of a better way to express it. If I should solve…… -
Java – a common way to write duplicate arrays
For my programming task, I was asked to write a general copy method to copy from an array to an array of the same size…… -
A Java object is not an instance of a declared class
public class SendEmailImpl public class SendEmailImpl { private boolean isValidEmailAddress(String email) …… -
Java – how to receive user data from the console
My console Java application generates a 3 containing some random numbers × 3 matrix What I want to do is delete some r…… -
Java, multipart: determine whether the uploaded multipart is an image
I'm developing a spring MVC application. I have a file upload tool To this end, I want to determine whether the file u…… -
Ternary comparison if in Java
Why is it incorrect to use such triples, because it is correct to use if? //Error when using as ternary Character.isDi…… -
Java – overriding protected methods of superclasses
In the following example, why does string B print null and string c print "GG" If I am wrong, please correct me whenev…… -
Clojure: adding indexes to map vectors
I have a vector map I want to associate an index element with each element Example: (append-index [{:name "foo"} {:nam…… -
Aurelia navigation bar virtual machine does not work
I set up nav bar according to the example in the Aurelia tutorial HTML and nav bar js. Later, I wanted to work at nav …… -
Java – handle leap seconds correctly
Before and during leap seconds, it seems that calling new date() will return 23:59:59 twice (once before leap seconds …… -
Java – how do I detect the number of fingers in use?
I'm playing a game with libgdx. I need to know if the user is using two fingers and placing them in the right position…… -
Java – under what conditions can two different objects have the same hashcode () value?
All I know is: – "Int hashcode() returns the memory address of the object and the default hash value of the object“ If…… -
Java – whether UI threads can be blocked when the alert dialog box is displayed
I have this method. Basically, I wait for the items in the singleton queue to become empty. A background service is ru…… -
How to set the JavaFX WebView to be as large as the scene?
I have a JavaFX WebView, and I want it to be as big as the scene at the beginning If I could resize the scene, it woul…… -
Java – is this abuse casting?
I have some object lists List<MyObject> But I know it is a list of objects inherited from MyObject List<Child…… -
How to split character vectors based on the length of the list
I have this character vector: a<-c("tanaman","cabai","banget","hama","sakit","tanaman","koramil","nogosari","melaks…… -
Java thread stop Notifier
My task is to use multiple threads to perform decompression I did it with the following structure // A class for Unzip…… -
Java – why convert up a class that doesn’t change the rewriting method?
See English answers > overriding member variables in Java 10 class BritishPerson { public String name = "A brit…… -
Java – spring MVC @ requestbody map optional
I have a rest controller for this method: @RequestMapping(value = "",method = { RequestMethod.POST },produces = { Medi……