How does Haskell remove list usage from this code?
I'm trying to learn Haskell and binary io
I try to read many word32 values and some word8 values (metadata) from a given file At present, I have written a program that only reads the word32 value in the file into the unboxed vector
The problem with this code is that it uses a list (via replicatem) when reading multiple word32 values from a file I want to get rid of the middle list (for efficiency reasons) and want to use bytestring to read data directly in the vector of the file
This is my complete working code
import Data.Word import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BIN import Data.Binary.Get import Data.Binary.Put import qualified Data.Vector.Un@R_538_2419@ed as V import Control.Monad import System.IO main = do h_in <- openFile "dat.bin" ReadMode v <- readInVector 10 h_in putStrLn (show v) hClose h_in readInVector n h_in = do bin1 <- BIN.hGet h_in (n*100) let ints1 = runGet (replicateM n getWord32le) bin1 let v = V.fromList (ints1) :: V.Vector Word32 return v
What should I do? I want a complete working code as the answer, not just a pointer to the document on Haskell's website, which has a lot of text and few working examples
Vector package has its own replicatemfunction for vectors. You can use it to initialize vectors directly without building an intermediate list
readInVector n h_in = do bin1 <- BIN.hGet h_in (n*100) return $runGet (V.replicateM n getWord32le) bin1