Use the or “|” operator on statements in Java
Suppose I have an array a [], if I want to change the value of a [i] and change it to zero, I can do it by using the temp variable
int temp = a[i]; a[i] = 0;
But I encountered similar code
int temp = a[i] | (a[i] = 0);
It's hard for me to understand that Please explain whether it works? Is it a good habit to use similar types of code?
The purpose of the direct code is to get the value from the array and set its position in the array to 0
Let's see how tricky code does it
|The operator is a bitwise operator First, evaluate a [i], regardless of the value of the operand on the left Next, brackets force a [i] = 0 for evaluation This sets the array element to 0 and the right operand of | to now 0 Executing bitwise or a value of 0 does not change other values Temp = the value of the entire expression on the right is the original value of a [i] In one statement, this has the effect of doing everything simple code does
This code is tricky. It's not a good habit because it's confusing I will never use this technology