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Java – Open Source improvement or replacement of swing components
I have developed many desktop Java applications using swing, and swing is very powerful (once you get its suspense). T…… -
Java – how do I go from XML spring scheduling configuration to annotation / code configuration?
I am trying to convert the following spring task XML configuration to a pure code / annotation version: <task:execu…… -
Java – how to compare the instance type of an object with a generic type?
How do I write this code in Java? public class ComponentsManager { private List<IComponent> list = …… -
Object pool for Java wrapper and string
As we all know, sometimes Java uses object pools as wrappers and string types, and sometimes it doesn't For example: I…… -
LRU caching in java with generics and O (1) operations
This is a question in the interview The idea is to define a data structure instead of using Java's built-in LinkedHash…… -
Java – format slf4j to record message types using colors
I am using slf4j to log in to my java application It involves a large number of logs and log monitoring Any suggestion…… -
Java – spring: init method, postconstruct, afterpropertieset: when to use others?
There are many initialization options available in the spring bean lifecycle Init method, postconstruct annotation, af…… -
What is the best way to transfer files using Java?
I'm writing a code to upload files from the client to my server, and the performance is not as fast as I think I am no…… -
Java – mybatis column mapping
I use mybatis 3.0 3 and there is a problem: some columns in the database have underlined names, which should be mapped…… -
Java – policy design pattern – select policies and counters
I'm programming in Java, but this is a more design question, so any OO programmer can answer this question I have a qu…… -
Java – log4j is recorded twice in different formats
I don't know why log4j is attached twice in different formats Has anyone met before? This is my log4j XML file: <lo…… -
Java streams: grouping lists into maps
How do I use Java streams to do the following? Suppose I have the following classes: class Foo { Bar b; } class B…… -
Java – statet in eclipse and R
I've managed to install statet into eclipse. I have a java project called "test" with some code I hope to be able to T…… -
Java – does the terminal operation on the stream close the source?
See English answers > do terminal operations close the stream? two Path directory = Paths.get(/* some directory */)…… -
The Java – JAXB xmladapter method does not throw an exception
I am using JAXB xmladapter to organize and ungroup Boolean values The application's XML file will also be accessed by …… -
Java – runtime dependency injection and spring
My current project is to use spring, and our architect decided to let spring manage services, repositories and factory…… -
Java ‘prototype’ mode – New vs clone vs class newInstance
In my project, some "prototype" factories create instances by cloning the final private instances The authors of these…… -
Java – can we call the service () method from the destroy () method in the servlet?
This is one of the questions I interviewed the other day: Can I call the service () method from destroy()? Thank you i…… -
Java – partially ordered comparator
How to implement Java. Net that sorts its elements according to the partial order relationship util. Comparator? For …… -
VHDL – why can’t I add this ` STD_ logic_ vector`
What happened here? Why do I get an 'operator parameter type mismatch', and what should I do to solve it? -- -- 32-bit…… -
Write a pattern method in Java to find the most common elements in an array
The question is: Here's my code that almost works, except for single element arrays publicstaticintmode(int[]n) { Arra…… -
What does this Java error mean?
java.lang.indexoutofboundsexception: Index: 1365,Size: 1365 java.lang.indexoutofboundsexception: Index: 1365,Size: 136…… -
Java – static variables that span multiple different subclasses – corrected
I want to know that if I define a basic activity object, all my activities are subclasses Then I declare a static vari…… -
Java – call stream() Reduce () in the list has only one element
I am a new function programmer of Java and want to know how I should write code to avoid NPE (for example): myList.str…… -
We can reject serialized Java objects instead of giving the transient keyword
We can avoid serializing fields by using the transient keyword Solution…… -
How to use java to access spreadsheets in open document format (. ODS)?
I want to read, write and create spreadsheets in Java open document format And I want the generated Java program to ru…… -
Java – transform and parse JSON
I'm using retrofit with Jackson For some reason, I cannot resolve the following JSON: [ { "ProfileImage": …… -
Using guava and GWT
Someone can tell me what needs to be done to enable guava support in GWT I have downloaded guava R07, where there are …… -
Java – APK extension file – application license – developer account – not_ Licensed response
I'm trying to use the APK file extension for Android APKExpansionPolicy aep = new APKExpansionPolicy(mContext,new AESO…… -
Java – when is it appropriate to use blank final variables?
I'm looking at another question about final variables and notice that you can declare final variables without initiali…… -
Multithreading – how to reliably pass a signal to another thread in a pthread?
I tried to write a simple thread pool program in pthread However, it seems that pthread_ cond_ Signal will not block, …… -
Java – failed to start namenode in Hadoop?
I configure Hadoop in Windows 7 from tutorial 16/01/19 15:18:58 WARN namenode. Fseditlog: class not configured for C, ……