Java – APK extension file – application license – developer account – not_ Licensed response
I'm trying to use the APK file extension for Android
APKExpansionPolicy aep = new APKExpansionPolicy(mContext,new AESObfuscator(getSALT(),mContext.getPackageName(),deviceid)); aep.resetPolicy(); LicenseChecker checker = new LicenseChecker(mContext,aep,getPublicKey(); checker.checkAccess(new LicenseCheckerCallback() { @Override public void allow(int reason) { @Override public void dontAllow(int reason) { try { switch (reason) { case Policy.NOT_LICENSED: mNotification.onDownloadStateChanged(IDownloaderClient.STATE_Failed_UNLICENSED); break; case Policy.RETRY: mNotification.onDownloadStateChanged(IDownloaderClient.STATE_Failed_FETCHING_URL); break; } } finally { setServiceRunning(false); } } @Override public void applicationError(int errorCode) { try { mNotification.onDownloadStateChanged(IDownloaderClient.STATE_Failed_FETCHING_URL); } finally { setServiceRunning(false); } } });
Therefore, if the application has not been published before, the allow method is called If the application has been published before, it is not calling the dontallow method now
I tried:
> -Response here says that if you use a developer or test account, the test device can set a specific response. I use licensed as the response and still get not_ LINCESED. > Reset phone, clear Google play store cache, app data. > Changing the version number in different combinations still does not work
Editor: if someone is facing this problem, I received an email from Google support group
Are you trying to sign the application with a distribution that you also use to publish the application?
Just like in app settlement, testing can only be performed when you sign your application with the correct release key Otherwise, Google cannot verify whether the request is from the correct application