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Java – ehcache key type
In ehcache, when adding elements to the cache: cache.put(new Element("key1","value1")); // Element constructors : Ele…… -
Java HashSet equals C
If there is something similar to Java hash set in C, I'm curious I am a quick browsing data structure because I can on…… -
Java – double locking mode: disconnected?
Why is this pattern broken? Is it good for me? Any ideas? public static Singleton getInst() { if (instace == null)…… -
Java – iText: vertical alignment of pdftable cells
I tried to vertically align my avatar cell text in the middle of the cell height This is my code: PdfPCell c1 = new Pd…… -
Java – how to use firebase to query equal to (value, key)?
As a novice in firebase, I try to imitate a "where clause" request to retrieve a user's wallet in this simple use case…… -
Can I extend enumeration in Java 8?
Just played and proposed a sweet way to add features to @ L_ 502_ Enumeration of 0 @ and this Some further fixes made …… -
Java – send auto assembly tasks to spring taskexecutor
How can you have a class that implements runnable and submits it to the spring taskexecutor for automatic connection? …… -
How to use Java classes dynamically in clojure?
How to use Java classes stored in variables in clojure? How do I fix the following code? (def a java.lang.String) (new…… -
Java – OCR library to identify the numbers on the instrument equipment
I need OCR Library (preferably in Java), which will be able to determine the number displayed on the instrument device…… -
Java automatically adjusts the font size to Windows 7
In Windows 7, if you change the font size through the control panel – > appearance and personalization – > displ…… -
Java – when exactly are objects available for garbage collection?
I'm competing with my application for memory problems and trying to get my head close to garbage collection If I have …… -
Tail call optimization of Fibonacci function in Java
I'm studying tail call recursion and found some of the documents mentioned Sun Java does not perform tail call optimiz…… -
Java – handling multiple benchmarks in swagger
I'm using swagger UI to provide good documentation of rest APIs for our clients Documents available: http://www.myhost…… -
Java – initializing arrays with values – should classes be displayed explicitly?
I often see arrays initialized like this: String[] array = new String[] { "foo","bar","baz" }; However, reading langua…… -
Creating generic arrays in Java through unchecked type conversion
If I have a general class foo < bar >, I do not allow the following to create an array: Bar[] bars = new Bar[]; …… -
Java – the ordering thread runs in the create / start order
How do I order threads in the order they are instantiated How do I make the following program print numbers 1... 10 in…… -
“(? Pattern)” pattern is supported in Java
See English answers > regex named groups in java6 var pattern = @";(?<foo>\d{6});(?<bar>\d{6});"; var r…… -
Java – running JUnit tests using Maven under eclipse
I have just installed the plug-in M2e for the first time on eclipse I wrote a simple JUnit (version 4) test I can run …… -
The purpose of static methods in Java
I'm confused about the use of static methods in Java. For example, if the main method is static, it makes sense, but w…… -
Java – how to convert a 24 bit PNG to a 3-bit PNG using Floyd Steinberg dithering?
How to use Floyd – Steinberg dithering to convert 24 bit PNG to 3-bit PNG? You should use Java awt. image. Bufferedima…… -
Java – Rock Paper scissors for foldable solutions
Just experienced a variant of the game: Rock Paper scissor Lizard Spock I have written java code for a traditional r-p…… -
The correct way to “close” the spring context in J2SE
I am currently experiencing JPA transaction manager problems in J2SE applications The latest request is not saved corr…… -
Java – list of JMX objects and attributes?
I try to implement a Nagios plug-in, which requires me to clearly know the objects and properties I want to monitor Th…… -
Java – unable to download from NetBeans 8.0 1 start GlassFish 4.1 in the service area
On Windows 7, I from this site Downloaded the "NetBeans - 8.0.1 - JavaEE - Windows. Ex…… -
Java – who has a useful mnemonic to implement a comparator?
Whenever I need to perform a comparison, I get stuck when I go back to - 1, when I need to go back to - 1, and I have …… -
Java – get selected elements from listview
I use the results of the database search to modify the listview so that I can use this option to create another databa…… -
Java – can I use libjpeg to read JPEG with alpha channel?
There seems to be some debate about whether JPEG of alpha channel is effective I always think the correct answer is th…… -
How does Java 8 maptoint (maptoint (E – > e)) improve performance?
I'm reading the book "Java 8 Lambdas". At some time, the author said, "it's a good idea to use the original profession…… -
Java – a transaction (process ID) deadlocks when locked, communicates with another process to buffer resources and is selected as a deadlock victim
I have a java program for updating tables in MS SQL Web users can also access this table through the web site created …… -
Java – “convert to trial resources” in NetBeans – cool beans?
Netbeans 7.1. 2 has the following codes: bufferedoutputstream bos = new bufferedoutputstream(new FileOutputStream(file…… -
Java – is there any framework to synchronize data generated on one peer with all other peers in an unreliable network?
We are developing a system with the following requirements >There are n systems, each generating its own unique dat…… -
Java – check a data test – pair_ sum_ even_ count
As part of the recruitment process, I recently conducted an online test on data Within an hour, I was given two simple……