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Index creation in elastic search through Java API
I use the following code to create an index in elastic search, Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder()…… -
Error using Weka API: class attribute not set in Java code?
I tried to use the Weka API in my java code I use j48 tree classification to classify my dataset in MySQL database, bu…… -
Java – using spring MVC and accepting post requests with wrong JSON will result in returning the default 400 error code server page
I'm using the rest API Receiving a post message with bad JSON (such as {sdfasdf}) will cause spring to return a 400 er…… -
Java – delete file extension
See the English answer > How do I trim a file extension from a string in Java? thirteen image.jpeg …… -
Java – OSGi weavinghook example
Is there an example of using OSGi 4.3 woven hook service? What about AspectJ, ASM and javaassist? Does anyone really u…… -
Java – use common IO to compress the directory into a zipfile
I am a beginner of Java programming. I am currently writing a program that must be able to compress and decompress Zip…… -
Is rxjava cache () the same as replay ()?
I want to know if there is a cache () operator that can cache x emissions, but it will also expire after a specified t…… -
How to use Java annotations to modify the source code before final compilation?
From the apt tool page, I can create annotation processors to generate new derived files (source files, class files, d…… -
Hindley Milner algorithm in Java
I'm writing a system based on simple data flow (imagine it like a LabVIEW editor / runtime written in Java) Users can …… -
Java – create a custom 404 / 500 error page in the play framework
How to create a global custom to use play to view their 404 / 505 error page? Solution In play framework 1, you only n…… -
Java – what settings do you need to make to use jsr-303 annotations in spring?
I downloaded spring 3 and put it on my classpath, but I couldn't import the @ valid annotation However, I can import o…… -
Java – how to add Web Tools Platform (WTP) in eclipse Kepler
I installed eclipse Kepler. Com on my system So far, I have developed J2SE application Now I want to develop J2EE appl…… -
Cheat single inheritance in Java?
I heard that there is a way to cheat single inheritance and implement multiple inheritance in Java Does anyone know ho…… -
Java – memory efficient multivalued mapping
Hi, I have the following questions: The most efficient memory is to store string in sorted string array and provide co…… -
Java – making multiplayer games via the Internet or the Internet
Hi, I wrote a multiplayer game in Java. I want to know what I need to learn and / or what I should use to make the gam…… -
Java – how to set default method parameter values?
See the English answer > does Java support default parameter values? 17 Example: if there is a method public int do…… -
Java – use stack swap API
I have tried to upgrade the stack overflow problem with the stack exchange API and failed I've tried a lot, but I didn…… -
Java – using annotations to handle delayed binding to dagger2 diagram
On this issue, I talk about dagger 2 Dagger 2 basically consists of components and modules Here is an example: Suppose…… -
Record Java comments
Are there any libraries that can record variables by adding comments: @Log String someValueToLog = someMethod(); @Log…… -
Java – customizing autowire candidate beans in spring 3
I have a service interface serviceinterface and the following structures of some components that implement it: product…… -
How to create a Java application that can be run by clicking?
I want a Java application that can be launched easily So far, I've managed to create a jar file, but I don't see any b…… -
Java’s tostring() is equal to the clojure function
Some of the Java code I use calls toString () on my clojure function object, which returns something like # < ns $s…… -
Is DirectX feasible for Java?
Is there an easy way to use DirectX in Java? In particular, DirectX's video API I know c# may be a more natural choice…… -
Using generic type security in Java
I encountered generic behavior in Java and I didn't understand it at all (using my. Net background) public class TestG…… -
Java: convert string date to month name year (MMM yyyy)
I'm new to Java I am trying to convert the date from string to MMM yyyy format (March 2016) I tried this Calendar cal=…… -
How to start “main” in a new Java process?
The question is simple How do I start a main method in another java process? Now I do this: startOptions = new String[…… -
Can the list passed to the function be modified by another thread in Java?
Integer getElement( List<Integer> list ) { Integer getElement( List<Integer> list ) { int i = Random.g…… -
Create a hard link in Java
At present, I pass the runtime Exec() uses the 'ln' command The only problem is that in order to do this fork, we need…… -
Java – how to parameterize the Maven surefire plug-in so that I can choose which TestNG suite to run
I have many test suites in TestNG These are XML files When running integration tests from maven, I want to be able to …… -
Java – Tomcat 7 suspends initialization of spring root webapplicationcontext
I tried to deploy a spring web application to Tomcat 7.0 24, but it hangs at startup, and the last line is displayed a…… -
Java – non static inner class objects are garbage collected after they are no longer referenced?
I have a spring bean similar to the following: public class MyServiceImpl { private MyDAO myDAO; public class…… -
Java – the problem of split code algorithm
I have successfully implemented a split code algorithm in Java The algorithm itself is very simple, but I have trouble……