How to start “main” in a new Java process?
The question is simple How do I start a main method in another java process? Now I do this:
startOptions = new String[] {"java","-jar","serverstart.jar"}; new ProcessBuilder(startOptions).start();
But they asked me not to use external Jar file serverstart. Jar obviously has a main method, but it can call the main method in another process instead of calling it. Jar file?
I was thinking about something like this:
new ProcessBuilder(ServerStart.main(startOptions)).start();
But I don't know if there is such a thing
Cordial greetings,
Assuming that a new thread and a new class loader are not enough (although I will vote for this solution), I understand that you need to create a unique process and call a main method. In a class, it is not declared as "jar main method" in the manifest file - because you don't have a unique serverstart It's too late
In this case, you can simply call Java -cp $yourclasspath your package. Server start, just as you run any Java application without (or do not want to use) manifest main class