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Java – SVG / vector graphics object Boolean operation (Union, intersection, subtraction)
I have two-dimensional closed vector paths, which are specified in SVG paths like syntax, that is, these paths include…… -
Get the nth element from the list using the Java stream
I have a list of strings, such as "/ 100" "/ 100 / 200" As we all know, the length n of each internal list is the larg…… -
Java – unable to convert db ‘/ data / data / my easymedi. controller/databases/EasyMediInfo. The locale of db ‘is changed to “en_us”
There is a predefined database in my Android application, which is located in the assets folder I created a table of A…… -
Java – jdesktoppane resizing
We have one application with two jframes and two jdesktopanes The problem we encounter is that after moving the intern…… -
Java – what is runtime binding?
I was browsing the Android development training document and came across: "Intent is an object that provides runtime b…… -
Java – about statically preserving monomer mode
According to the situation of volatile / lazy singles, eager singles, normal singles and through enum, I have develope…… -
Java: what are ioexceptions in BufferedReader’s readline()?
I can "fix" the following exception with a try catch loop, but I can't understand the reason >Why does the "in. Rea…… -
Where are arrays stored in memory?
If I have a function in which I declare: Object arr[] = new Object[20]; Where are the ARR and the entire array stored?…… -
Java – how to disable hibernate authentication in spring boot projects
I have a spring guided project with a crudrepository, an entity and a controller I basically try to persist an entity …… -
Java – Tomcat does not parse War symbolic link
I have a development machine. I installed Tomcat before and just run it as the same user who is developing I will $Cat…… -
java. lang.reflect. Method. Name comparison in equals (object obj)
The following is Java in Java 7 lang.reflect. Method. Implementation of equals (object obj): /** * Compares this {@co…… -
Java – integration test using redis
With the help of jedis library, I began to use in my project All work normally, but now I have a problem. My…… -
Java – eclipse (using J2EE plug-ins) does not build class files into the output directory
I have several versions of eclipse that have this problem In some cases, eclipse does not output bytecode class files …… -
Is there a Java equivalent Python Eval function?
Is there a Java equivalent Python Eval function? This will be a function that uses an arbitrary string and attempts to…… -
Java – JNI, call boolean method
I get a Java method, get a string and return bool I call it JNI this way: jmethodID function2ID = env->getmethodID(…… -
Use prepared statements and variable bindings to use JDBC drivers in Java
I'm using it >JDBC template enables JDBC to connect to a MySQL Database > prepared statements to protect itself …… -
Adjust the brightness and contrast of bufferedimage in Java
I'm using some frameworks to process a bunch of images. All I have is a bunch of buffered image objects Unfortunately,…… -
Java – meaning and solution of spring 3 error message “getresponsebodyasstream is recommended”
I am using spring 3. Every time I submit an HTML form to the spring control, I receive this message. I don't understan…… -
Java – find whether the certificate is self signed or Ca signed
I have a web application that allows users to upload pkcs12 I store pkcs12 in the database as a binary file Is there a…… -
Ignore SSL authentication in Java
I must use an invalid SSL certificate to call the HTTP service hosted on the web server In dev, I use keytool to impor…… -
Java – cannot prevent ant from generating compiler sun proprietary API warnings
I call javac from this ant script: <javac srcdir="src" destdir="build/classes" source="1.6" target="1.6" de…… -
Java – severe: configure org apache. catalina. deploy. An error occurred while using the application listener for the applicationlistener class
This is the web site where I tried to run my project XML error This is the main mistake I face when I try to run the w…… -
Java – gets the number of specific elements in the list
I'm looking for a quick way to find the number of list elements as a specific element: List<String> list = new A…… -
Java – how to unit test a class that implements runnable
I have a class that implements the runnable interface, examplethread public class ExampleThread implements Runnable { …… -
Java – use Apache Commons ftpsclient to “require 550 SSL / TLS on data channel”
When I use ftpclient to read data on FTP server (proftpd 1.3.3a), I encounter a problem and need to encrypt the data c…… -
Java – access referenced libraries from packages in eclipse
If I save the class in the default package, I can only access the referenced library class If I try to access it from …… -
Java – any tutorial on the official GWT MVP framework?
Has anyone found / written any tutorials in the official GWT MVP framework found in GWT 2.1 RC? Solution Google has up…… -
Simple natural language processing to start Java
See English answer > is there a good natural language processing library [closed] 3 Unfortunately, I didn't see any…… -
Java – unsupported major Minor version 49.0
When I log in to my application, I get the following exception What does that mean? How can I solve the problem? Solut…… -
What is the difference between Java – takeWhile and filters?
How is takeWhile () different from filter () in Java 9 What additional utilities does it have? Stream.of(1,2,3,4,5,6,7…… -
Java – cannot instantiate type httpclient
I've taken it Jars is added to my library, and I can instantiate other classes in jars What gives? I tried to clean up…… -
Why is the JavaMail connection timeout too long
In my application, I connect to the server to authenticate users This is the code: try { Properties prop = new……