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Android realizes self-made and playing recording program
First, let's take a look at the screenshot of the implementation: When a recording file exists, it will be displayed i…… -
Android realizes app environment separation (using gradle)
1、 Introduction to environmental separation Each app project will have at least two environments: test environment an…… -
Difference between Android net and WAP access point
When we use Android devices to connect to the network, if it is a WAP access point, we need to set an agent. The agent…… -
Summary of Android wechat signature knowledge
preface Recently, an application of a project needs to log in on wechat. We all know that wechat login needs to be app…… -
Android implements listview with parallax effect
What is the parallax effect? The so-called parallax effect is very common in web design and mobile applications. We ca…… -
Method of customizing dialog with builder mode in Android
preface Our developers meet a variety of needs in the actual project process. Sometimes we need to match the design st…… -
Android custom controls imitate QQ to edit and select circular avatars
Android everyone has a lot of needs for users to upload avatars. Some are square, some are rounded rectangles, and som…… -
Detailed explanation and example code of reactnative alert
As the name suggests, alert is a warning box, which is generally used, such as: log out, clear cache, prompt to change…… -
Android gradle build error: some file crashing failed, see logs for details
Error log: error: Java lang.RuntimeException: Some file crunching Failed,see logs for details Log: FAILURE: Build…… -
Teach you how to customize the pie chart with Android
As usual, start with the renderings What can you learn from this example: Deep understanding of paint, drawing pie cha…… -
Android software automatically updates the implementation code
The following is a specific example of how to realize automatic software update: design sketch: Specific steps: 1. The…… -
Detailed explanation and example code of react native textinput component
Adapt to both Android and IOS The code comments are more detailed Thank you for reading, hope to help you, thank you f…… -
Android custom control to achieve a small ball moving with your finger
A small demo about custom controls, a small ball moving with your fingers. First look at the renderings: The implement…… -
Obtaining contact information display and echo of Android mobile guard
The previous article has implemented the relevant layout, and this paper then implements the relevant functions Read t…… -
Android phone screen adaptation solution
0. Preface Android screen adaptation, even if a certain element has the same display effect on Android phones of diffe…… -
Android creates tabs with fragment
This paper combines the previous practice of dynamically creating fragments to realize the creation of a tab @ h with …… -
Method of realizing sliding distance listener in Scrollview in Android
preface As we all know, Scrollview is a UI control we often use. Maybe you will find that when you want to monitor the…… -
Reactnative (API) asyncstorage storage details and examples
Asyncstorage storage is similar to shared Preference Storage in Android or nsdefaultuser in IOS, but asyncstorage in r…… -
Method for Android to realize circular avatar by using circleimageview
Circleimageview realizes the code sharing of circular avatar for your reference. The specific contents are as follows …… -
Android component banner realizes left and right sliding screen effect
What is a banner component? In many Android applications, such as iqiyi client, Baidu meipai, APP treasure, etc., ther…… -
Android custom view implementation verification code
This article is based on some extensions of Hongyang's Android custom view (I), as well as some reprints of the detail…… -
Confirm password dialog box of Android mobile guard
This paper then implements the "confirm password" function, that is, the user has set the password before, and now onl…… -
Detailed explanation of the layout example of Android development high imitation Curriculum
Let's talk about this demo first. It's a layout file that imitates the curriculum. Although I'm a rookie, I still want…… -
Multithreading – what is the point of cache consistency?
Is it useful from a practical point of view to provide cache consistency on CPUs like x86? I understand that the idea …… -
Java – split and convert string to int
There is something wrong with my code I read several text files For example: 1,21,333 Using my following code, I want …… -
Java – spring Roo, field enumeration
I'm new to spring MVC and spring roo What is field enumeration? How do I enumerate all allowed values? Is it implement…… -
Java – XPath for finding ancestor nodes containing CSS classes
I'm writing some selenium tests. I need to be able to find the ancestors of the webelement I've found This is what I'm…… -
Java – how to apply spring boot filters based on URL patterns?
I created a spring boot filter – implementing genericfilterbean with the @ Component annotation @Component public cla…… -
Java – can some unit tests be ignored?
I am developing a project that uses JUnit 4 widely in all modules We are using Maven 2 to build the project, and Hudso…… -
Java – removes the “first” object from the collection
In some cases, I need to expel the earliest elements in the Java collection The collection is implemented using linked…… -
java. lang.ClassNotFoundException:org. apache. commons. lang.exception. NestableRuntimeException
I tried to retrieve data from the database When I run the program, it displays the error Java lang.ClassNotFoundExcept…… -
Java – Google App Engine 1.6 4 local slow?
Original problem Because I started from 1.6 3. Change the version To 1.6 I encountered serious performance problems wh……