Java – Tomcat does not parse War symbolic link
I have a development machine. I installed Tomcat before and just run it as the same user who is developing I will $Catalina_ The symbolic link in home / webapps is put into the directory of the War I build. Each time I update the tomcat, I follow the symbolic link and extract the new war No problem
But in preparation for moving it to the production machine, I created a new user with restricted permissions and set Tomcat to run as that user, just as you did for security reasons
Now Tomcat no longer follows symbolic links, even if I give its user ownership of the war file and set the permission to 777 I didn't see anything in Catalina Out or daily log about what happened
This is just one step of copying the test cycle of war, so it's not too critical, but I'm still curious about what happened
Permissions under webapps Directory:
drwxr-xr-x 3 tomcat tomcat 4096 Dec 11 14:34 webapps
Permissions for the directory I'm building:
drwxrwxr-x 11 tomcat tomcat 4096 Dec 11 14:34 target
Permission generation of war file Maven:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tomcat tomcat 16822856 Dec 11 14:34 [webapp].war
Permissions for symbolic links I create:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 tomcat tomcat 60 Dec 11 17:33 [webapp].war -> [webapp directory]/[webapp].war
I suspect that Tomcat users do not have traversal permissions on one of the nested folders containing real war files As you said, he has permission to use Tomcat folder, so he can start tomcat, and he can see the existence of symbolic links
Perhaps your build process creates a war file in a private folder, assuming that the user is in the home folder of glazius. Even if the file has the correct permissions, Tomcat users cannot read the file
You can easily use:
ls -Cf
Check the symbolic link color in your webapps folder: if it is red, the user cannot access the file. If it is blue, it should have no problem
If it is red, make sure that each folder of your war file has traversal (x) permission for another group If the path is / home / glacier / workspace / target / webapp War, execute the following command:
chmod o+x /home/glazius chmod o+x /home/glazius/workspace chmod o+x /home/glazius/workspace/target