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Android – use the Camera2 API to get a single image and display it using ImageView
I want to use the Camera2 API to get a single frame from the camera and display it using ImageView. I found some close…… -
Android chrome custom tags are not closed during redirection
I'm using the chrome custom tag to get the OAuth connection request about redirection from the custom tag I successful…… -
Delete a specific version of Android studio VCs and / or bitbucket
Therefore, I have successfully established a bitbucket repository, submitted multiple versions, and created multiple b…… -
Android – when you move through the camera by dragging, it always moves to the current position per second
When I always move to the map by dragging, it always moves back to the current position every second, but I can't see …… -
Java – check whether the new domain object has not been saved
Does anyone know how I check that domain objects have not been saved to the database? I want to implement the logic in…… -
Java MP androidchart bar chart – how to group bars at random X-axis intervals between groups?
I want to make a bar chart in which three different data sets are combined at each data point, as shown below: However…… -
Can I ignore the “incompatible gradle version” lint check if gradle overrides transivie dependencies?
I just violated this lint check: Some of my delivery dependencies will certainly not be updated to the latest supporte…… -
Kotlin in Android studio
I'm using it from kotlin, but when I synchronize it in the project, a bellows error occurs: Error:Could not find org.j…… -
Why does chromebook “not support” Android my app?
I know there are other similar problems in so, but none of them can be solved directly My androidmanifest.xml contains…… -
Permission denied: open provider
I'm trying to allow a user to access his photo gallery to get a profile picture and save it to SharedPreferences. I al…… -
Replace java.nio.file
I am using Android studio 2.3.1 and JDK 1.8.0 for this project I imported a project that uses "Java. NiO. File. Files"…… -
Android – using MVVM to implement custom views
I have found the explanation of Android data binding with a custom view, but it doesn't work for me because I don't kn…… -
Java – “connection not open” FTP Android
Every time I try to connect, there will be an exception of "connection not opened". When I try to access through FileZ…… -
Android xamarin forms WebView disable autocomplete
I have a xamarin form WebView, which uses source = "myinternalsite. Companysite. Com" to load web pages. The source ha…… -
Java – how to send packets using binary communication protocol on TCP port
I am developing a device that can measure some readings through sensors. The device is operated by Android application…… -
Java – how do I check if GPS is programmatically turned on in Android 4.4 and later?
This question has been answered here: > How do I get the current GPS location programmatically in Android? 22 I've …… -
Android – get jsonobject from retrofit2 response
How to get a JSON object unknown to retrofit2 from the response object of a request like this (using okhttp3): Observa…… -
Android – cannot display the value of a button in a radio button group
I have a simple code below. I don't understand why it doesn't work for me. All I want to do is display (toast) "male" …… -
Android Google maps locationlistener – adding a tag on onlocationchanged will crash the application
I want a tag to show my current location. Add all the permissions required. When I comment out mmap.addmarker and mmap…… -
Android MVPs with two segments share the same data
My application has an activity and two fragments. The activity is only used as a fragment container. One fragment disp…… -
Unity gvR cardboard camera doesn’t work on Android
I am ready to use the unified environment of Google VR cardboard. The example project works well and everything is fin…… -
About Android accessibility intercom. Is there a key audience for intercom?
I'm developing an Android photo app for the visually impaired Of course, my application runs in the talkback context. …… -
Android checks camera permissions in the target SDK 22 or earlier
I have this code to check the permissions of the camera if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) { Log.e("Permission State"…… -
Android: keep the web server running
I'm running a web server (nanohttpd) in an Android service Onstartcommand() returns a value from the method overridden…… -
Android: how to tell shrinkresources to reserve certain resources
I have an MP3 and an Ogg file in my RES / raw folder for Android media player. I use setdatasource like this musicPlay…… -
An error occurred after applying themes in Android studio
I'm a novice in the Android studio. I started learning Android a few days ago. I started with a simple blank activity …… -
Java cursor error – retrieve image from Gallery
At present, I am trying to retrieve the location of the image in the gallery and convert it into a file so that it can…… -
Cannot find master when launching unity from Android (error)
I tried to start unityplayeractivity when I clicked the button. But it threw an error "main file cannot be found" @ h_…… -
Android GridView Gallery | pictures are separated by titles
I use the GridView gallery to build the application in the dialog box. All galleries work well, but now I want to sepa…… -
Android – how to set the icon to getbase floatingactionsmenu
I'm using com.getbase.floatingactionbutton.floatingactionsmenu for extensible fab. But I can't set the icon on the Fab…… -
How to convert bitmapdrawable to layerdrawable in Android
This is a code snippet public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // Inflate the main; this adds items to the…… -
Android – how to set custom headers for WebView requests in react native
I want to be able to detect that HTTP requests come from the WebView component in my application on rails server-side ……