Android – use the Camera2 API to get a single image and display it using ImageView

I want to use the Camera2 API to get a single frame from the camera and display it using ImageView. I found some close problems, such as

And I've seen the camera2basic example, but it's too complex to be what I really need

The code I wrote is based on some examples I saw on the network. It should be executable, but it doesn't work properly. I don't know why

The application will not crash, but will not display anything on ImageView. I used log messages in any function call to try to keep logcat clear

In addition, the application's logcat indicates that "the application may have performed too much work in the background." I can't see what's going on because I issued a single capturerequest instead of repeating capturerequest

This is the code and logcat:

public class CameraImageReaderActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

private final static String TAG = "CAMERA_IMAGE_READY: ";
private ImageReader imageReader;
private String cameraId;
private CameraDevice camera;
private HandlerThread handlerThread;
private Handler handler;
private Surface imageReaderSurface;
private ImageView imageView;

private CameraDevice.StateCallback cameraStateCallback = new CameraDevice.StateCallback() {
    public void onOpened(CameraDevice cameraDevice) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onOpend: CAMERA OPENED");
        camera = cameraDevice;

    public void onDisconnected(CameraDevice cameraDevice) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onDisconnected: CAMERA DISCONNECTED");
        camera = null;

    public void one rror(CameraDevice cameraDevice, int i) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onError: CAMERA ERROR");
        camera = null;

private CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback captureSessionStateCallback = new CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback() {
    public void onConfigured(CameraCaptureSession cameraCaptureSession) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onConfigured: build request and capture");
        try {
            CaptureRequest.Builder requestBuilder = cameraCaptureSession.getDevice().createCaptureRequest(CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_RECORD);

            cameraCaptureSession.capture(, null, handler);
        } catch (CameraAccessException e) {
            Log.d(TAG, "onConfigured: CANT CREATE CAPTURE REQUEST");

    public void onConfigureFailed(CameraCaptureSession cameraCaptureSession) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onConfiguredFailed: CANT CONfigURE CAMERA");

private ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener imageReaderListener = new ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener() {
    public void onImageAvailable(ImageReader imageReader) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onImageAvailable: IMAGE AVAILABLE");
        Image image = imageReader.acquireLatestImage();
        int imgFormat = image.getFormat();
        ByteBuffer pixelArray1 = image.getPlanes()[0].getBuffer();
        int pixelStride = image.getPlanes()[0].getPixelStride();
        int rowStride = image.getPlanes()[0].getRowStride();
        int rowPadding = rowStride - pixelStride * 640;

        Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(640 + rowPadding/pixelStride, 480, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);


 * Sets the cameraId with the front camera id and sets imageReader properties.
public void setupCamera(int width, int height) {
    imageReader = ImageReader.newInstance(width, height, ImageFormat.RGB_565, 30);
    CameraManager cameraManager = (CameraManager) getSystemService(CAMERA_SERVICE);
    try {
        for (String allCamerasId : cameraManager.getCameraIdList()) {
            Cameracharacteristics cameracharacteristics = cameraManager.getCameracharacteristics(allCamerasId);
            if (cameracharacteristics.get(Cameracharacteristics.LENS_FACING) == Cameracharacteristics.LENS_FACING_FRONT) {
            cameraId = allCamerasId;
            Log.d(TAG, "setupCamera: CameraId is: " + cameraId);
    } catch (CameraAccessException e) {


 * Connects to the front facing camera.
 * After the connection to the camera, the onOpened callback method will be invoked.
public void connectCamera() {
    CameraManager cameraManager = (CameraManager) getSystemService(CAMERA_SERVICE);
    try {
        if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.CAMERA) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            Log.d(TAG, "CANT OPEN CAMERA");
            // TODO: Consider calling
            //    ActivityCompat#requestPermissions
            // here to request the missing permissions, and then overriding
            //   public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions,
            //                                          int[] grantResults)
            // to handle the case where the user grants the permission. See the documentation
            // for ActivityCompat#requestPermissions for more details.
        cameraManager.openCamera(cameraId, cameraStateCallback, handler);
        Log.d(TAG, "connectCamera: CAMERA OPENED!");
    } catch (CameraAccessException e) {

 * Build the captureSessionRequest and start in repeat.
public void getFrames() {
    Log.d(TAG, "getFrames: CREATE CAPTURE SESSION");
    imageReaderSurface = imageReader.getSurface();
    List<Surface> surfaceList = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
        camera.createCaptureSession(surfaceList, captureSessionStateCallback, handler);
    } catch (CameraAccessException e) {

public void startBackgroundThread() {
    handlerThread = new HandlerThread("CameraImageReaderActivity");
    handler = new Handler(handlerThread.getLooper());

public void stopBackgroundThread() {
    try {
        handlerThread = null;
        handler = null;
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

public void closeCamera() {
    if (camera != null) {
        camera = null;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;
    setupCamera(640, 480);

protected void onPause() {

protected void onResume() {

And (related) logcat:

03-22 14:27:32.900 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi D/CAMERA_IMAGE_READY:: setupCamera: CameraId is: 0
03-22 14:27:32.904 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/ArrayUtils: Ignoring invalid value mw_continuous-picture
03-22 14:27:32.905 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/ArrayUtils: Ignoring invalid value emboss
03-22 14:27:32.905 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/ArrayUtils: Ignoring invalid value sketch
03-22 14:27:32.905 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/ArrayUtils: Ignoring invalid value neon
03-22 14:27:32.905 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/ArrayUtils: Ignoring invalid value asd
03-22 14:27:32.905 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/ArrayUtils: Ignoring invalid value backlight
03-22 14:27:32.905 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/ArrayUtils: Ignoring invalid value flowers
03-22 14:27:32.905 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/ArrayUtils: Ignoring invalid value AR
03-22 14:27:32.912 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi I/CameraManager: Using legacy camera HAL.
03-22 14:27:33.685 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/ArrayUtils: Ignoring invalid value mw_continuous-picture
03-22 14:27:33.685 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/ArrayUtils: Ignoring invalid value emboss
03-22 14:27:33.685 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/ArrayUtils: Ignoring invalid value sketch
03-22 14:27:33.685 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/ArrayUtils: Ignoring invalid value neon
03-22 14:27:33.686 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/ArrayUtils: Ignoring invalid value asd
03-22 14:27:33.686 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/ArrayUtils: Ignoring invalid value backlight
03-22 14:27:33.686 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/ArrayUtils: Ignoring invalid value flowers
03-22 14:27:33.686 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/ArrayUtils: Ignoring invalid value AR
03-22 14:27:33.702 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi D/CAMERA_IMAGE_READY:: connectCamera: CAMERA OPENED!
03-22 14:27:33.719 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi I/Choreographer: Skipped 56 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
03-22 14:27:33.787 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi D/CAMERA_IMAGE_READY:: onOpend: CAMERA OPENED
03-22 14:27:33.787 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi D/CAMERA_IMAGE_READY:: getFrames: CREATE CAPTURE SESSION
03-22 14:27:33.789 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi I/CameraDeviceState: Legacy camera service transitioning to state CONfigURING
03-22 14:27:33.789 18806-19149/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi I/RequestThread-0: Configure outputs: 1 surfaces configured.
03-22 14:27:33.790 18806-19149/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi D/Camera: app passed NULL surface
03-22 14:27:33.838 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi I/CameraDeviceState: Legacy camera service transitioning to state IDLE
03-22 14:27:33.843 18806-19150/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi D/CAMERA_IMAGE_READY:: onConfigured: build request and capture
03-22 14:27:33.874 18806-19149/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/LegacyRequestMapper: convertRequestMetadata - control.awbRegions setting is not supported, ignoring value
03-22 14:27:33.875 18806-19149/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/LegacyRequestMapper: Only received metering rectangles with weight 0.
03-22 14:27:33.875 18806-19149/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi W/LegacyRequestMapper: Only received metering rectangles with weight 0.
03-22 14:27:34.070 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@13c07070 time:331143683
03-22 14:27:34.317 18806-19155/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi I/CameraDeviceState: Legacy camera service transitioning to state CAPTURING
03-22 14:27:34.353 18806-19149/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi I/CameraDeviceState: Legacy camera service transitioning to state IDLE
03-22 14:27:34.403 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi D/BubblePopupHelper: isShowingBubblePopup : false
03-22 14:27:34.403 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi D/BubblePopupHelper: isShowingBubblePopup : false
03-22 14:27:34.404 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi D/BubblePopupHelper: isShowingBubblePopup : false
03-22 14:27:34.404 18806-18806/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi D/BubblePopupHelper: isShowingBubblePopup : false
03-22 14:28:07.684 18806-18823/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi E/BufferQueueProducer: [unnamed-18806-1] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
03-22 14:28:07.684 18806-18822/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi E/BufferQueueProducer: [unnamed-18806-1] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
03-22 14:28:07.684 18806-19184/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi E/BufferQueueProducer: [unnamed-18806-1] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
03-22 14:28:07.685 18806-18823/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi E/BufferQueueProducer: [unnamed-18806-1] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
03-22 14:28:07.685 18806-18822/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi E/BufferQueueProducer: [unnamed-18806-1] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
03-22 14:28:07.685 18806-19184/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi E/BufferQueueProducer: [unnamed-18806-1] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
03-22 14:28:07.686 18806-18823/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi E/BufferQueueProducer: [unnamed-18806-1] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
03-22 14:28:07.686 18806-18822/com.example.noamm_000.talkwithcompviawifi E/BufferQueueProducer: [unnamed-18806-1] cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned

Thank you, norm


Try this to better handle it in the background thread

 public void onImageAvailable(ImageReader reader) {
        new ImageSaver(reader.acquireLatestImage());

   private class ImageSaver implements Runnable {

        private final Image mImage;

        public ImageSaver(Image image) {
            mImage = image;

        public void run() {
            File mImageFileName = null;
            if (mImage != null) {

                ByteBuffer byteBuffer = mImage.getPlanes()[0].getBuffer();
                byte[] bytes = new byte[byteBuffer.remaining()];

                FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null;
                try {
                    mImageFileName = createImageFileName();
                    fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(mImageFileName);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                } finally {
                    if (mImageFileName != null) {
                        Intent mediaStoreUpdateIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE);
                    if (fileOutputStream != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e) {

        private void loadImageFromStorage(File mImageFileName) {

    private File createImageFileName() throws IOException {
        String timestamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").format(new Date());
        String prepend = "IMAGE_" + timestamp + "_";
        File imageFile = File.createTempFile(prepend, ".jpg", createImageFolder());
        return imageFile;

    private File createImageFolder() {
        File imageFile = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES);
        File mImageFolder = new File(imageFile, "myFolder");
        if (!mImageFolder.exists()) {
        return mImageFolder;

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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