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Android – in viewpager scrolls the parent page converter horizontally instead of scrolling the child nodes, but keeps the child pager scrolling vertically?
I have a parent viewpager, where each page contains a child viewpager. The child viewpager may contain listview or ver…… -
Android – Google cloud messaging displays “notregistered” when using IOS distributed applications
I implement GCM service on IOS application. I use PHP to send GCM on the server. It works well when the application is…… -
Java – loadermanager does not accept ‘this’
OK, I surrendered. I don't understand I'm paying attention to the udacity course of Android basics and need to figure …… -
Android – firebase code cannot create a new user
The code of my login / registration class is: package com.example.joshpc.bluetoothattendee; import…… -
The selected device is not compatible – Android studio
I have solved this problem before, but I can't now. I need to fix it permanently. When testing my application, everyth…… -
Android – avoid layout change animations in custom views, which are updated in WindowManager
I have a custom relativelayout, and I even set setlayouttransition (null) I use ((WindowManager) context.getsystemserv…… -
Android – changes the icons in the tablayout in the selected and deselected states
Sorry, if you have asked this question before I want to change the icon when I select the icon in the tab of the tab l…… -
Android – start alertdialog.builder from service
I tried to launch the check box dialog box from the service by using alertdialog.builder, but I received the following…… -
Java – Proguard configuration modification retrofit
My application works normally in debugging, but when creating APK for publishing, I received the following error Proce…… -
Android – replace actionbarsherlock with appcompat
I am currently developing a simple navigation drawer slide tab However, I want to design these materials on my own app…… -
Java – Android: what is the best HTTP library for uploading images to the server?
There are many libraries available, but which is better for image upload? Who knows which library instagram uses? I've…… -
Java – why does Android ignore read_ SMS permissions?
I played and read my inbox under Android API 15, and I encountered the following problems: My application has only one…… -
Java – similar and of camera. Parameters. Gethorizontalviewangle() and camera. Parameters. Getverticalviewangle()
All this is in the title, but in the now deprecated Android camera API, there are two methods: camera. Parameters. Get…… -
Android – highlight text in textview
I have a textview with random background color (possibly any color). I also have a text that needs to be readable on t…… -
Android – kotlin: how to check whether a variable with lateinit attribute is initialized
I have a variable declared as private lateinit var apiDisposable: Disposable Then in the onpause () method, I'm doin…… -
Android – how to add spinner as a project in the navigation drawer
I want to add a spinner to my navigation drawer as a project. Where should I put the spinner? Where does the layout of…… -
Android – kotlin view setenabled function missing?
In kotlin, when using to access a view (such as a button), the setenabled() function is miss…… -
Android – action listener on image view
How to apply an action listener on an image view resolvent: If you use the oncreate method, this is easy: //create you…… -
GPS monitoring system for Android + webserver (assumption)
Suddenly there was an idea to establish a system. It can be used to monitor the current position of the person holding…… -
C# – httpclient.getasync will never return on
I am developing an Android application supported by the core application hosted on azure. Before using the fun…… -
Android – by default, how to set ionic to be rendered in IOS style?
Now, ion applications default to Android style rendering. I don't want to use it every time? Ionicplatform = IOS param…… -
Android – activityoptions.makescenetransitionanimation cannot use multiple views in kotlin
This is my kotlin code for active transition animation val p1 = Pair.create(imageViewhospitals, "hospitals") v…… -
SQL – how to distinguish between two tables
I have two tables. I want to get all records from one table that are different from those in the second table For exam…… -
Java – Android programming issues
Hello, I am a programmer who uses C / c# / VBS almost completely. Now I have just entered the Android development worl…… -
Java – certificate registration process
I am looking for a registration certificate program I have searched a lot, but I haven't found a good answer. So far, …… -
Ionic 2 – error running on Android device: Net:: err_ CONNECTION_ TIMED_ OUT
Sorry, my English is not good I have built an application using ionic 2 for Android. In this application, I need to ge…… -
Android – recyclerview changes items when scrolling
Someone can explain to me, what's the problem? When I scroll down and back to the top, my item has been changed to ano…… -
JavaScript – alerts in embedded WebView
JavaScript alert() does not work when you embed WebView and load HTML pages in your application. Please give me an exa…… -
Android – how do I start services defined in different packages?
I have two applications, one running in the namespace com.gtosoft.voyager and the other com.gtosoft.dash. From com.gto…… -
android – libstlport_ Static. A: no such file: permission denied
When compiling my android NDK project, I added To my JNI / file, some STL things are allowed. However, …… -
Android – what method do I call when I press the back button on my phone?
I have an application with many activities, which are created with onactivityresult Which method is called when I pres…… -
Android – need service to reply to activity
I need to create an activity to start the service that monitors the user's location, and allow the calling activity to……