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Android – get / set the sharedpreference global value
Hi, I have a class (mycustomform. XML) that I use as the loginform of the user. Now I want to use SharedPreferences to…… -
Android – canvas will not be updated (invalidated) until the end of the entire while loop
I'm trying to move a ball on the canvas. A and B are similar to X and Y coordinate positions. Any way to try to get di…… -
Android – how do I drag the view horizontally?
In controls such as listview and gallery, you can drag items vertically or horizontally I have a textview. I successfu…… -
Android – compress the bitmap and save it to the activity result of the sdcard
I've been discussing this problem and I'm not sure what to do. What I want to do is: take a picture, compress it to PN…… -
Android – how do I add threads?
This continues from this post's question I can't imagine how to add a separate thread from the main UI thread to colle…… -
Java – Android – how to avoid duplicate code between activities
This is a general problem, but I will give you a specific example I have many activities in the app. In all activities…… -
Android – unable to get r.anim in my project
I started some Android programming, and I'm trying to do some animation in my activities. But all references use inter…… -
Java – how to handle tags in Android
I've been looking for a while and haven't been able to find the right answer for this one. To make a long story short,…… -
Will the activity of Android – ontouchevent() be triggered 3 times?
In my titlescreen activity, I have @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { Log.d("MyActivity", "…… -
Android – get prices from retailer websites
I'm building an IOS and android app that scans the bar code and displays the product page of the book from the retaile…… -
Android – read PDF file from SD card
I want to read the PDF file stored in my SD card. I try to use this clip File file = new File(Environment.getExter…… -
Java – sharing constants in multiple classes (Android Minesweeper)
I'm using the extended button to create an instance of a class and directly access integer variables for better perfor…… -
Java – debug.keystore does not exist
I'm trying to generate MD5 fingerprints, but the problem is that every time I try to enter the whole code, I say debug…… -
Android – speed limit for scrolling views
My app scrolls so fast! How do I limit the scrolling speed of the scrolling view in my Android application? Rolling ca…… -
Android – calendar events in week view and day view
I want to create a calendar application with weekview and dayview functions Please give me some suggestions. I have se…… -
Android spinner: drop down list control
Spinner provides a drop-down list input method, which can effectively save the display space on the mobile phone scree…… -
Android textview: text box control
Textview is a component used to display text on the interface. The displayed text cannot be edited directly by the use…… -
Android – how do I import slide menus on IntelliJ idea?
I'm using the idea of IntelliJ. You may know that importing slidingmenu lib into your new project when you run eclipse…… -
Android ImageView and imagebutton: picture view and picture button
ImageView is a component for displaying pictures, which is widely used in many occasions. ImageView can display any im…… -
Android – how to use setscrolllistener in staggeredgridview
I tried to add a scroll listener in staggeredgridview, where I couldn't find a way to add that I didn't see any implem…… -
Android – number of grids for different devices
I have a question. I should know the number of GridViews per line for different devices. Like tablets and WVGA phones,…… -
Android Scrollview: Scrollview
When there are so many contents on the user interface provided by activity that the current mobile phone screen cannot…… -
Android – the trademark (TM) logo is displayed as a question mark on the device
I'm displaying trademark symbols attached to text( ™) As the title of the dialog box. It works normally in the simula…… -
Android datepicker and TimePicker: time date selector
The Android SDK provides datepicker and TimePicker components to select date and time respectively to facilitate date …… -
Android: Zhihu open source image selection Library
Before starting the text, enjoy the effect of this image selector Does it feel quite simple and beautiful? Anyway, I t…… -
Android ratingbar: evaluation bar control
Ratingbar is an extension of seekbar and ProgressBar. It is an indirect subclass of ProgressBar. You can use ProgressB…… -
Android EditText: edit box control
EditText is a subclass of textview. It adds text editing function on the basis of textview. It is used to process user…… -
Android ProgressBar: progress bar control
When the application runs in the background, you can use the progress bar to feed back the current progress informatio…… -
Android – how do I know which API level I’m building with NDK build?
I'm trying to better understand how to choose API levels when using NDK build I know I can explicitly set the app in a…… -
Android seekbar: drag bar control
Seekbar is an indirect subclass of the horizontal progress bar, which is equivalent to a horizontal progress bar that …… -
Android – unable to launch eclipse from ADT bundle in Ubuntu 12.04
So I downloaded the ADT package for Linux from, extracted it, 32-bit version, went to ADT bundle…… -
How to check whether there are available features in Android
Quick questions: Where can I find or check if there is a function (Bluetooth, NFC, WiFi, GPS, etc.) in the Android dev……