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Java – Android replaces multiple characters from a string
I know it may be an amateur problem, but for some reason, I don't remember how to do it String s ="["; String q ="]"; …… -
Java – how do I create a GUI in Android instead of using XML?
I don't like managing XML and Java together. Can I use the Java language to create the same GUI? Solution Yes, you can…… -
Java and python ^ operators
For the CompSci class, we are looking at the Java math class As my stupid programmer, I try to use the ^ operator inst…… -
Java – return statement in void method
I have the following method to return void. I need to use it in another method that also returns void @H_ 403_ 9@ @H_ …… -
Java – search the scala list to find what matches the attribute
What are the usual Scala methods? I have a list. If I find something that meets certain conditions, I want to return "…… -
Java Naming Convention
I've been studying Java hard for the past week, and so far I've been able to generate reasonable code However, I seem …… -
Java – how to get parameters from the URL in Liferay portlet?
I used something like feed in Liferay 6 JSP of out of the box portlet such as jspf: String articleId =null; HttpServle…… -
In Java, which is the most recommended class for dictionary data structures?
I need a data structure to store users that should be retrieved by ID Solution It may depend on how many users you pla…… -
Java – can the kernel be written in assembly language?
I've never done kernel programming I am an excellent programmer of Java language and often use it Now I want to do som…… -
Java – exception: add a window to the container How?
I have a jdialog class called preferences This class creates a constructor, such as: class Preferences extends javax.s…… -
Java – 2D ArrayList
This is just a very small problem... I seem to have encountered too many complex problems: I have to implement an inde…… -
Char range in Java
The following line of Java code generated an error char c = -128; Solution Char is a data type that is not signed in J…… -
Understanding generic types in Java
I have a general class that says: @H_ 404_ 8@ @H_ 404_ 8@ MyClass<T>@H_419_12@ 在这个类的方法中,我想测试T的类…… -
Java – how to display ProgressDialog when using salvo for network operations
I work on an Android application and I am very interested in using the volley library to perform network HTTP calls Bu…… -
Java – find the largest palindrome made by the product of two 3-digit numbers
package testing.project; package testing.project; public class palindromeThreeDigits { public static void main(S…… -
Java – optimal solution of maximum single sales profit algorithm
The input array is: A[0] = 23171 A[1] = 21015 A[2] = 21123 A[3] = 21366 A[4] = 21013 A[5] = 21367 The mission is t…… -
java – Integer. Parseint() does not resolve large negative numbers
When I try integer Why is numberformatexception thrown when parseInt ("80000010", 16)? This is a 32 - bit number, whic…… -
How to set an infinite loop and break it (java thread)
I've set up a thread and I want to run it using a loop Therefore, this thread should run in the loop, interrupt within…… -
Java – which class is the superclass of all classes
I am a JAVA beginner I'm a little confused about the superclasses of all classes in Java? Solution From object documen…… -
Java enumeration using enumeration in constructor
Can I have enumerations in Java take a set of enumerations as parameters? If so, how can I achieve it? When I use this…… -
Java – why is my field not initialized to the value I gave it
I have the following courses: public abstract class AClass { public AClass() { aMethod(); } abst…… -
Java – why does concurrentmodificationexception appear when deleting from HashMap?
I want to delete a project from HashMap by applying criteria Consider the following codes: Set<Foo> set = myMap.…… -
Java – why does eclipse display errors in the play framework rendering method?
I received an error: public static Result home(String name) { return ok(home.render(name)); } Eclipse s…… -
Java – how does Android set a string array to a single textview
I want to try setting the string array to the text of textview How can I do this? Here's what I've tried so far: Strin…… -
Java – how to change text when scanning a barcode with zxing in Android?
When you start the barcode scanner (zxing) by intention, can you change the prompt text of "put barcode in viewfinder.…… -
java – Math. How does random () generate random numbers beyond the “native” range?
As far as I know, math Random () itself generates random doubles between 0.0 and 1.0, including 0.0 but not 1.0 I also…… -
Java – \ u0026 \ u0026 operator problem
In the following code & & the syntax error is given in the if else statement. I'm not sure how to solve it Can…… -
Java – returns the number of rows in a 2D array?
I have this 2D array: private boolean[][] landscape; This landscape array defines a pond with [rows] and [cols] The pu…… -
Java – aliastobeanresulttransformer and hibernate sqlQuery
I have a fairly complex query (HQL or criteria queries have too many nesting levels), so I write it as sqlQuery I real…… -
How to set httppost header for client requests in Java and Android
I can't get Apache httpclient to send httppost header correctly I have no problem sending name value pairs and things …… -
Why does BigInteger’s stackoverflowerror in Java end up as an integer in the 19635th Fibonacci sequence
I use the following code to calculate the Fibonacci sequence to any large number The code worked as expected until I a…… -
How do I embed java code in JSF pages?
I have: In this JSF page, I have a login form Inside the managebean, I have a logincheck function public void loginChe……