Java and python ^ operators
For the CompSci class, we are looking at the Java math class As my stupid programmer, I try to use the ^ operator instead of math POW function Surprise, surprise, it's useless But what Java spits out is my problem I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing with numbers You can see what I'm talking about below
System.out.println(5^1); System.out.println(5^2); System.out.println(5^3); System.out.println(5^4); System.out.println(5^5); System.out.println(5^6); System.out.println(5^7); System.out.println(5^8); System.out.println(5^9);
Running the above content, I get the following:
4 7 6 1 0 3 2 13 12
The same thing happens when I use the equivalent in python (print 5 ^ 1, etc.) The Java API documentation says ^ is a bitwise XOR, but it still doesn't help how to get 6 from 5 and 3 Can anyone explain why this happened?
This is a bitwise operation, so it operates on the binary bits of a number 110 in Fig. 6 is in binary form 5 is 101 in binary form
110 101 === (^ xor) 011
011 is binary 3