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Java – Base64 coding takes too long in Android
I capture images with my camera I save the file in the public photo directory and save URI to the file I want to save …… -
Java – why doesn’t Android clean up memory after completing the activity?
In my case, I have two activities called a (main activities) and B (children's activities) If I use Android memory mon…… -
Convert a string into a decimal number with 2 decimal places in Java
In Java, I try to parse a string of formats "####. ##" into floating point numbers The string should always have 2 dec…… -
Restful web application in Java (Security)
We are developing two web applications I only access application a through my application B, and I don't want any othe…… -
Java outputs even numbers in exponential format
I have some even numbers output in this format: Format.String("%1.4e",doubleNumber); The result is 1.123456e 03 How to…… -
Leiningen Java agents does not work in uberjar
In my leiningen project, I have the following configurations: :java-agents [[ "3…… -
Java – hibernate preupdateeventlistener does not work
I am trying to implement hibernate's preupdateeventlistener in my project, but there is no response My configuration X…… -
Java – what is a concurrent language?
From the Java language specification: What is a concurrent language? Solution This means that threads and synchronizat…… -
Java – namespace issues
I have the following questions I tried to wrap the code from C to Java COMMON. H namespace rinad { namespace mad_manag…… -
Java – how to run a thread repeatedly after a period of time
I want to run a thread (perform some time-consuming tasks in the background and do not update the UI). It just downloa…… -
Java – project Euler: procedural optimization of question 7?
So I call myself a fairly novice programmer because I mainly focus on my school hardware rather than many computer sci…… -
Java – querydsl query parameters?
Using JPA, we have the namedquery witch. Let's pass the parameters in this way: public <T2> T2 getSingleResult(S…… -
Java – changes the value of the binding parameter when calling the query in the Oracle database.
We use Java 7 and spring framework 3.1 in our company 2,MyBatis 3.1. 1,MyBatis Spring 1.2. 2,JasperReports 6.1. 0, etc…… -
Java – Apache camel dynamic consumer
I created this camel route from("direct:pageExtraction") .bean(PageManager.class,"setProperties(*,${header…… -
Java – httpclient authentication, keep login status
So my goal is to log in to the forum using HTTP client, and then post a reply post on the forum My login is good, but …… -
Java – error trying to create hive table using custom serde
I have a file that contains the data that needs to be uploaded to the hive table I wrote a custom serde (which is basi…… -
Java – Android image view gradient background
Therefore, I don't want to update ImageView to change the gradient according to some events of mobile phone gyroscope …… -
Java – the difference between a = B and a = a
In Java, I really want to know if there is a difference between using a = B; Or a = a, B Which one should I mainly use…… -
Java – the compiler says the return statement is missing, but I already have 3
It's strange My compiler says I missed a return statement, but I already have three public int tortoiseMoves() { i…… -
How to write Fibonacci Java programs without using if
What is the code written in int Fibonacci (int n) instead of using "if" Java recursive Fibonacci sequence as they do h…… -
Java – Jfilechooser with custom filesystemview implementation
I extend filesystemview and override every method in this class The model is as follows: public class RemoteSystemFile…… -
Java – static variables and methods
I encountered a class set like this: public class MyClass { private static boolean started = false; private MyCl…… -
Java: how to delete spaces in jformattedtextfield?
So I have a jformattedtextfield that lets users enter a number The number can be 1 to 99, so I used maskformatter ("##…… -
Java – IllegalStateException: arrayadapter requires the resource ID to be textview
I ran my code once. I ran it again. Now it crashes every time Logcat gave me this: 04-11 03:15:57.293: D/dalvikvm(344)…… -
Java – to in Oracle_ Display time zone description in char()
I have an SQL query select to_char(cast(sysdate as timestamp with LOCAL time zone),'YYYY-MM-DD,HH24:MI:SS TZR') from d…… -
Java – class level custom annotations cannot be detected in spring AOP
I tried to intercept classes in spring with the following settings Interceptor @Aspect @Component public class MyInter…… -
Java – restart jars with root privileges on most, if not all, Linux distributions
I'm developing a Java application that requires root / administrator privileges to run properly If the user does not s…… -
Java – Jenkins – configure JDK – text box only, and automatic installation fails
I'm trying to create a Jenkins - based build server for our Android application The build failed because it cannot aut…… -
Why is the order of return types important when defining methods in Java?
public void static final finalMethod() public void static final finalMethod() { //This throws error saying "Syntax e…… -
Java – spring boot Jar – missing embeddedservletcontainerfactory
Spring boot (1.2.7) web application (responding to SSL request) runs well on IntelliJ idea Build a jar artifact to run…… -
How to send content and attachments using Abdera atom client
We use Abdera to interact with IBM connections API, but our problems are mainly related to Abdera itself I think there…… -
How about Printing Java maps?
See English answers > How do I effectively iterate over each entry in a Java map? 38 I created the following maps: ……