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Java – pass by value and polymorphism
See English answers > why Java polymers not work in my example public class Animals { int location = 200; //lin…… -
When executing asynchronous trigger, forget the await statement and forget to use ADO Net to write to the database. Is it safe in c#?
In ASP Net application, I want to log in to the database as efficiently as possible I use basic ADO Net writes to the …… -
Java – is there a better way to handle passing multiple parameters to methods
I found myself doing a lot of things: /** * Redirect to a MVC controller&action * @param controller * @param ac…… -
How do I call other methods of the Java runnable object?
I got some skeletons of classes I had to implement (I personally don't really agree with the program design, but I don…… -
Haskell: update two or more tvars atomically probably?
Can a transaction update two different tvars atomically? That is, can I combine data structures from many TV dramas to…… -
Java – database write lock entity in spring
When I am using its child entity, I need to write lock the parent entity so that it is not allowed to modify (or spars…… -
Java optional parameters in method
I want to make a method that requires 1 required parameter and 1 optional parameter, but I found out how to create an …… -
Java Swing Games perform poorly when many sprites are on the screen
I'm making a simple tower defense game in swing. When I try to place many elves (more than 20) on the screen, I encoun…… -
Get a random subset from the result set in Java
I have a set of 100 objects I'm doing this now, but it only returns one object int size = memberSet.size(); Set&…… -
java – null!= The difference between variable and variable= null
null!= Variable and variable= What's the difference between null? if ((null != value1) || (null != value2) || (null !…… -
Java:JOptionPane Radio Buttons
I'm working on a simple program to help me calculate mixed liquid things I tried in joptionpane Radio buttons are adde…… -
Java – how to protect SQLite dB in Android from theft
I'm making an application for a 28 MB sq Lite file, which was originally in the Android resource folder When it is ins…… -
Java – HTTP status – no resource exception found in 404 JSP
See English answers > JSP in / WEB-INF returns "HTTP status 404 the requested resource is not available" Index jsp…… -
Java – how to write a method that accepts int variables and returns the maximum value?
I'm trying to write a method to compare three numbers and return the largest number This is my code, but it doesn't wo…… -
Java ternary operator obfuscation
This is my code public class BinarySearch { public static int binsearch(int key,int[] a) { int lo = 0;…… -
Java – how to use twitter4j to retrieve images in tweets?
I want to issue a query for a keyword or topic tag and retrieve all images from all tweets containing that keyword I c…… -
Java – twitter4j access token is already available
I received an error message when using twitter4j: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Access token already available. twi…… -
Java – how and where should I add an actionlistener to my code?
I wrote the following code with a text field and a button After entering characters and pressing the button, a label i…… -
Java – why can’t classes that use @ transactional methods be assembled automatically?
I am using spring security with a waffle filter that authenticates users against active directory servers This combina…… -
Java – how to improve this singleton?
I have a class that will be single MySingleton. getInstance(theFile); Files are required only when building a singleto…… -
Java – builder pattern: why do we need it build()?
When studying the builder pattern, the standard pattern is as follows: new SandwichBuilder().salami().pastrami().cat()…… -
R: Delete the numbers at the beginning and end of the string
I have the following vectors: words <- c("5lang","kasverschil2","b2b") I want to delete "5" in "5lang" and "2" in "…… -
Leiningen tried to call Java. Net from the wrong / missing JDK exe
Some time ago, two versions of JDK (1.7.0_09 and 1.7.0_51) were installed on my PC Then I uninstalled the previous one…… -
Reusing resultset objects in Java
I'm working on a swing project I use JDBC ODBC connection bridge to access the data in SQL database I use the followin…… -
Casting – Java 8 – filtering collections with external parameters
I have an animal map containing specific successors MyBaSEObjectAnimalMap.values().stream(). filter(x -> x ins…… -
Java – how to put components on top of other components?
I have a jscrollpanel, including a large panel, which itself includes three internal panels I want to put a panel (for…… -
Java: draw a circular spiral using drawarc
I'm doing a Java programming exercise. We must draw a circular spiral using the drawarc method so that the result look…… -
Java – add load circle to JTable
I have a JTable to load data from the database Because there is too much data sometimes, I want to add a loading circl…… -
Java attempts to mutate in notifications
I have two tables and a module they all look at Basic – they should all update the module and update from it Is there …… -
PowerShell: replacing strings with hash tables
OK, so I set up a hash table whose name is to be replaced and the key is to be replaced, as shown below: $r = @{ "…… -
Java – generate client stub from WSDL
I'm starting a new project with a commercial supplier I need to write an integration module in our application to use …… -
Use Apache POI in Java to read integers from numeric units
I have an application that uses Apache POI to read the XLS table When a cell has a value, I use row getCell(i). Getnum……