PowerShell: replacing strings with hash tables
OK, so I set up a hash table whose name is to be replaced and the key is to be replaced, as shown below:
$r = @{ "dog" = "canine"; "cat" = "feline"; "eric" = "eric cartman" }
What should I do next? I tried this:
(Get-Content C:\scripts\test.txt) | Foreach-Object { foreach ( $e in $r.GetEnumerator() ) { $_ -replace $e.Name,$e.Value } } | Set-Content C:\scripts\test.txt.out
But it doesn't work at all. It just writes each line three times without replacing anything
Edit: including test txt:
dog cat eric
test. txt. out:
dog dog dog cat cat cat eric eric eric
This is a method:
$file = Get-Content C:\scripts\test.txt foreach ($e in $r) { $file = $file -replace $e.Name,$e.Value } Set-Content -Path C:\scripts\test.txt.out -Value $file
The reason you see each line three times is due to the nested foreach loop For each row in the file, a replace operation is run for each hash table entry This does not change the source file, but by default it outputs the result of the replacement (even if it has not changed)
You can read the file into a variable and then update the variable with circular replacement to obtain the required function You also don't need a separate foreach loop for the file content; In one pass of each hash table entry, the replacement can be run against the full text